Chapter 77: Christmas Part 2 (+ronance)

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Max's pov

We were eating and chatting. The parents were talking about the most random stuff ever. After we ate the boys wanted to build a lego building.

"Guys you're too old to build legos" hopper said laughing. "that's not true" Dustin said. "do whatever you want I'm joking" hopper said.

Joyce had also given us each some chocolates for Christmas. Like pack with lots of chocolates. Nancy, Robin, El and I were just chatting

"can I try?" el said looking at the legos. They asked us before but we didn't want to. "Ooo you want to after all?" Dustin asked excitedly. "yeah.. It looks interesting" el said. I smiled. The boys got excited when el wanted to try.

Dustin gave el some pieces. I couldn't help but smile at how cute el looked. Suddenly Nancy and Robin stood up. I smiled hoping it's about what Robin told me what she was planning on doing on Christmas. To ask Nancy to be her girlfriend.

Robin's pov

I had been looking forward to ask Nancy to be my girlfriend all day. I couldn't wait. But at the same time I was super nervous. What if she says no? The boys were building with legos. El got interested and wanted to try as well.

I could tell from the start because of how she was looking at the boys. She looked curious. I thought it was cute. Legos aren't only for kids.

I was looking at max. She kept staring at el with pure love in her eyes and smiling at her , she really loves her. I'm so happy for both of them even though I make fun of them. They're so cute I can't help myself but tease them a little.

"hey nance" I said to her. She turned and looked at me. "yeah?" she asked. "Can we talk?" I asked. She frowned but nodded. We stood up and walked into Max's room for privacy.

"what is it?" Nancy asked confused. "Oh um.. First of all. I uh-I've got you a gift" I said passing her the gift. "Oh!!so did I" she said. My heart melted. She did?

"really?" i asked in awe. It's more like the thought. She's thought of buying me something. I don't care what it was but it's still amazing. "I've got you this Jean jacket!" she said. "aww you didn't have to! Thank you so much" I said smiling, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

She smiled. I hugged her. "Here's mine" I said giving her the present. I bought her a necklace, with her favourite chocolates and candy in a Christmas bag of course. "Aww that's so sweet Robin! Thank you!!" she said smiling leaning for a hug.

"Oh um.. I've also wanted to tell you something else" I said after pulling away. My heart was beating fast. I was so nervous. "what is it? You seem nervous Robin. Is everything okay?" she asked.

"yeah I'm fine... Ive just wanted to ask you something. Since we've been going out lately and we hadn't made anything official yet, I really like you Nancy. Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked slowly because of how nervous I was.

She looked slightly shocked. I got even more nervous because of how quiet she was. She just stared at me in shock and I don't know what, upset? Angry? Happy? It was hard to tell. "it's fine if you don't want to or don't have feelings for me sorry-" I said nervously immediately regretting my decision.

Bad thoughts were running in my mind. Maybe she didn't like me at all and I've just thought she liked me-

My thoughts were cut off by Nancy's lips on mine. I was shocked at first but I then kissed back. We were both smiling and blushing when we pulled away from the kiss

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend Robin" she said smiling. I smiled widely. I've never been happier. "I won't tell the others if you don't want to" I said reading her mind. I could tell something was bothering her

"I mean, I'm quite sure max and el are waiting for the answer" Nancy said giggling. "yeah.. They're my closest friends I'm sorry" I said nervously laughing. "it's okay Robin, I understand" she said smiling.

"Did you tell anyone else other than el and max? About us?" she asked a bit nervous. I shook my head. "Nope, not even Steve. I tell Steve everything but a secret like this isn't easy to say, he knows I'm into girls. I think he suspects though because he keeps teasing me whenever we you and I hang out" I said.

Nancy giggled. "I don't think he'll mind.. It may be a little weird at first since we've dated before" Nancy said. "Yeah we'll see, I won't tell anything until you're ready, okay? No pressure" I said softly. She smiled at me. "thank you" she said smiling. I smiled back.


Max's pov

"Wanna try too max? It's fun!" el said smiling. She caught me staring at her. She's so beautiful, I loved how cute she looked while focusing. Her mouth was slightly open as she leaned forward to see better.

"were you staring at me?" she asked giggling. "Nope" I said giggling. "you definitely were" she said giggling with a smirk. "anyways, wanna join me?" she asked. "Yeah sure" I said smiling.

Suddenly my mom came with Joyce. "We've brought cookies!" my mom said smiling. All of our face's light up in excitement. "Max and el helped me bake them!" my mom said smiling. El and I looked at each other and smiled.

We've hung out yesterday and made them together, my mom, El and I. It was fun. They were Christmas cookies. "Thank you!" all of us said. My mom placed them down on the diner table and then they both left us.

Steve, Jonathan and Billy were outside chatting about God knows what. Joyce just have told them to come inside to eat cookies as well. Jonathan had a camera with him and he took lots of pictures for memories.

He smiled when he saw us all together, building with legos, eating cookies with our cute matching sweaters. He took a picture of us. "seriously Jonathan? You're taking pictures again?" will asked giggling. "yep" Jonathan said smiling

We've asked Jonathan if he could take a picture of just el and I for us to have it. We keep taking pictures together for memories. Whenever I'm upset about something, I keep looking at pictures of el and I that are placed on my wall and feel better

Then Robin and Nancy came back and sat down. "So??" I whispered to Robin excitedly. She smiled widely. With that, I could tell that Nancy said yes and I was so happy for Robin!! I held back a gasp so the others don't notice. "I'm so happy for you!! I told you she would say yes" I quietly told her. She smiled.

El was looking at us, obviously knowing what we were talking about. "She said yes didn't she?" el whispered to me. I nodded smiling. El smiled widely.

1194 words. To be continued!

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