Chapter 90: At El's House

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Max's pov

We arrived at El's house. El and I walked up to El's room. "Hey will" I greeted him as well since they're sharing the room.

"Hey" he said smiling. "I'm gonna go watch tv" will said. We nodded. He usually goes downstairs or goes to Mike's house whenever I come over.

So el and I were then alone in the room. "So what should we do?" el asked jumping on the bed. "Hmm.. I don't know" I said. She patted the seat on the bed motioning me to sit next to her. I smiled and sat down next to her

I then layed down, so did she. We just kept staring at the ceiling in silence, not knowing what to do.
Then I got an idea. I smirked and looked at her. She raised her eyebrow. "What?" she asked giggling. My eyes were staring from her gorgeous brown eyes to her lips.

She smirked once she noticed me staring. "If you wanna kiss me just do it" she said giggling. "alright then" I said confidently. I gently kissed her as she kissed back. We then slowly sat up slightly and continued kissing.

We were both sitting on the bed, kissing each other. My hands were resting on her cheek as her hands were placed on my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach. We both smiled through the kiss

Suddenly someone walked in without knocking. We pulled away immediately. It was hopper of course. He froze. "Um.. Sorry to interrupt but-" he started but then trailed off.

"Okay.. Don't make me bring the 3 inches rule" hopper said. I frowned confused. I didn't know what he was talking about. "We were just kissing dad" el said. "Yeah I know, just making sure" hopper said suspiciously.

"Anyways I'm gonna go get burger King, what do you guys want?" hopper asked. We told him what we wanted and stuff. "Okay, I will be back" hopper said. We nodded. He then closed the door. We bursted out laughing.

"That was awkward and funny" el said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh even more. It wasn't even that funny but we kept laughing. "Wait-what did he mean by '3 inches rule'?" I asked. She stopped laughing

"Oh when Mike and I were dating-"she started. I felt a pinch in my heart once she mentioned Mike. When she used to date him."he once caught us kissing, he got mad so he told us to have the door open 3 inches when Mike was there" el explained.

"oh.. Okay" I said trying to play it cool. I failed miserably. Her face softened. "Oh come on maxie!! Don't be sad" she said hugging me with all her power making me fall on the bed. I gasped not expecting this action

"I'm not sad" I said giggling trying to be convincing as she hugged me tightly making it almost impossible to breath. "Mike and I are over max, that was just in the past" el said softly after finally letting me go.

Her hand rested on my cheek as she stared into my eyes. I nodded. "yeah I know sorry" I said feeling bad for being such a jealous baby. "it's fine, I would je jealous as well if you asked me" el admitted.

"You know.. You may not believe me but I've never, ever felt this way with Mike. What I felt towards Mike.. I thought that was what love meant.. Until I met you max" she said. I felt my cheeks going red

"Yeah?" I asked quietly. She smiled softly. "Yes" she said. I smiled. "Have you felt like this with lucas?" she asked. I frowned. "is that even a question? I've told you love, i thought I liked lucas but I didn't.. I thought that's how you were supposed to feel. It was very confusing. My feelings for you and everything" I said.

She nodded. "yeah I understand"she said smiling." wanna hear something funny" el asked after we just stared at each other's eyes in love. "sure" I said smiling. "I think hopper might be a bit jealous of you" el said giggling. My eyes widened as I bursted out laughing

"what? What do you mean?" I asked laughing. "I don't know, last night when we had dinner. You know me, hopper, Joyce, will and Jonathan they suggested a family trip to the mountains-" el said but I cut her off by gasping.

"to the mountains?!" I asked amazed. She nodded excitedly. "only for the weekend since hopper an Joyce aren't working. But they said only family members once will and I wanted to bring you and Mike with us" el said.

I laughed. So did she. "He said 'Oh come on you spend all your time with max, you're either at her house or at ours. Basically hanging out everywhere'. Joyce agreed by saying 'Yeah, we barely see you guys, same with you will' and blah blah blah" el said making me laugh more at the end

"Oh my god, they're for real jealous aren't they" I said. El giggled. "Yes, they want to have 'family time' like we don't eat together and see each other in the house" el said. "Will and I told them that they're working all day anyways and then they stopped talking" el said.

"I kinda feel bad now" I said. "Oh please don't, they're just being dramatic. Hopper mostly" she said dramatically making me slightly laugh. "I'm surprised he didn't kick me out yet. You know because I come here a lot and you come to my house and stuff" I said.

"Yeah, trust me he loves you though. He was soo pissed off whenever I hung out with Mike or when he came over. He frowned whenever I event mentioned him" el said giggling. I laughed. "I see" I said laughing.

El suddenly leaned in for a hug. I hugged back smiling. "I love you.. Do you love me?" she asked cutely as she buried her head on my shoulder. I chucked. "Nooo I despise you" I joked. She pulled away dramatically as she gasped.

"what did you just say maxine?!" el said. My eyes widened. I gasped as well matching her energy. "I said-" I started repeating to tease her but I was cut off by a pillow on me. She smacked the pillow on my face. I gasped.

She giggled. "Oh that's how it is?" I said smirking. "no no don't-" el said. I grabbed another pillow and started playfully hitting her. "Max stop!" she said laughing. She somehow managed to get the pillow from my hands. She threw it on the floor

She started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing. "el stop! My stomach hurts from laughing too much-" I said through laughs as she wouldn't stop. "Tell me that you love me and I will" el said giggling but seriously. "Okay okay I love you" I said. She smirked and stopped.

"I love you too" she said with a sweet smile. I giggled and smiled back. I started tickling her after for revenge. But the scene was cut off by someone walking in. This time, it was will. He looked at us frowning like we did something wrong

We stopped laughing and looked at him waiting to see what he wanted. "What happened to you? You've been laughing non-stop! Are you fighting or something" will said. El and I looked at each other. We started laughing again for absolutely no reason.

Will rolled his eyes. "Max not again!" el said as she tried to stop laughing holding her stomach in pain, from laughing too much. "Oh god you're both acting like kids" will said. "oh come on William, we're just having fun" I said. He giggled. "I could tickle you as well-" I said standing up

His eyes widened and stormed out of the room quickly to escape. El and I laughed. I didn't chase him. We heard his steps as he ran down the stairs.

1340 words. To be continued!
Hi! Well sorry for not updating..
If i tell you that the night I've written and updated chapter 89, I've thought of what to write in the next chapter as usual. And I was like "okay, I will write this tomorrow when I wake up" then I went to sleep. I woke up the next day and I completely forgot what I was planning on writing..Will you believe me😂🤦‍♀️Oops. I've been trying to remember the idea I've had but I blacked out so I can't remember😀so here's this instead haha I hope the idea I had wasn't anything special or something.
This is why I should take notes when I have an idea and write it later or something before I forget it. This hasn't happened before Haha. I'm so random sorry. Anywaysss, how are you? (if anyone read this actually💀)

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