Chapter 69: At The Mall Part 3

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Max's pov

As we were playing something caught my eye. Nick was there as well playing games with his friends. He noticed me. He froze and waved. I sighed annoyed, I didn't wave back. I hated him so much.

I tapped El's shoulder who was using the claw machine. "What? Oh my god I caught it-" el said excitedly but then turned around to see what I wanted. "nick's here" I said. Her smile immediately faded away.

"Let's get out of here" I said grabbing her hand and walking away. I looked back and noticed him following us. "where do we go?" el asked. "He's following us" el said looking back as well as we were walking. "I know" I said.

"hey max!" I heard nick yelling. I ignored him and continued walking with el. "I'm so going to kill him" el said angrily. "let's kill him together" I said. "get away you stupid" el said.

"I just want to apologise" he yelled. I rolled my eyes and turned around. "Fine be quick" I said annoyed. I grabbed El's hand. He stared at our hands painfully. "why are you staring at us like that? You wish that was you huh? You're pissing me off and we're tired of you" el said angrily.

El must be so mad to yell at someone because she's always shy around people. "I'm sorry I did that!" he said. "we all know you're not sorry nick don't start" I said.

"Can we be friends at least?" he asked. "no" I said. "Okay look, I promise I will treat you better, you really think our society will accept your gay relationship max? You will regret this, you will be so ashamed and embarrassed that you'll date a boy, it's just a phase-" he said.

"it's not a phase for God's sake. I don't care if the society doesn't accept us! All I want it so be happy I don't care what anyone says/thinks! I love el, what's your problem-" I said but he cut me off. "I can change you, we all know deep down you like boys" he said.

"what-" I said but he kissed my cheek. I pushed him and slapped him harder this time. "What the fuck!! Again?!" I yelled. Some people stated at us but I was so mad that I didn't care at all at that moment.

El's pov

Nick kissed Max's cheek. It was the second time he kissed her. This time it wasn't on the lips but its still a kiss. I watched in pain. My heart was broken. I stared at both of them for a couple of seconds. I then left. I couldn't handle this. I wanted to punch him but I was so upset that I didn't have that strength for that.

Max's pov

I can't believe this just happened again. "El-"i said. "I hate you so much" I said angrily. Without second thought I ran after el. "el! Slow down" I said trying to catch up on her. She kept walking fast as I followed her. She got outside the mall. She sat down  on a bench a kittle further of the mall's entrance.

She was facing the other way, had her knees on the bench. "El" I said our of breath sitting next to her. "El look at me" I said. She turned her head slightly. There were tears in her eyes. My heart broke at the sight. "el.." I softly said feeling my eyes get watery as well.

"I'm sorry.." I said putting my hand on her shoulder. "It's fine" she quietly said. "It's not your fault" she quietly said. "I shouldn't have let him talk.. It is my fault-" I said. She finally looked at me and we made eye contact

"It's not your fault max" she repeated smiling. "I just can't handle seeing him kissing you again, could you leave me alone please" she said. "I won't let him do such a thing again. I wasn't expecting that to happen" I said. "I'm not leaving you here" I said

"I-I just need to calm down before I do something I will regret" she said tiredly. "Like what?" I asked. She shrugged. "probably kill him or something" she said. I giggled. "It's not funny, I'm serious. If he ever even talks to you again, not just kiss you or hold your hand I will hit him I don't care anymore" she said.

"yeah don't worry I'll do the same" I said. "you know.. those two kisses and when he held my hand, none of those mean anything to me el.. I hate him with my life. I love you" I said softly. "Yeah I know max, I'm mad at him, I just got jealous it was foolish of me" she said. "No it's not, I would be jealous too. So much to be exact" I said  making her laugh a little.

I wrapped my arms around her. She rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you too.." she whispered. I kissed her head softly.

Suddenly we see him. Walking out of the mall. Running actually. He looked at us. He had a black eye. I frowned. "did you do this?" el asked. "no.." I said confused. Nick walked towards us.

El immediately, without hesitating stood up. I tried to grab her before she does anything. "What are you doing here?! We do not want you here, what is it that you don't understand?! If you ever touch my girlfriend or even try to talk to her again I will give you a matching eye which I have no idea where you got that black eye" el said angrily.

"Who punched you?" I asked. I was so mad at nick. He deserved it. "You wouldn't hit me" he said scoffing. "what? Because I'm a girl?" el asked raising her eyebrows. He didn't say anything. "God I hate men" I Muttered.

He frowned. "Why are you frowning? You're the perfect example on why I don't like men" I said. "Just let me apologise-" he said. "I don't want your freaking apology nick! I don't want to, I don't want to see your face, I really don't give a fuck" I said angrily.

"leave" el said. "When this little dyke who thinks she's cool and strong breaks your heart, you'll remember me" he said before turning around.

El glared at him. "Nick!" el said making him turn around. Once he turned to face el she punched him on the face. I gasped. He groaned in pain and slowly looked up at el. "You're a phycho " he said. "says you" el said. "Whatever" he quietly said walking away.

"Holy shit el, that was a good punch" I said laughing impressed. "I warned him, he didn't listen I couldn't help it" she said. "it's alright, he deserved it" I said. She nodded. "Let's go back inside, the boys are probably looking for us" I said. She nodded. I grabbed her hand and walked back inside the mall.

1174 words. To be continued!
Hi! Here's a chapter I wrote in class. I'm gonna go study😔💪😂

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