Chapter 50: Truth Or Dare

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Max's pov

We were in the living room about to play truth or dare. It was me, El, Mike, will,lucas, Dustin, Nancy, Jonathan and Steve. Billy didn't want to join so he just went into his room.

"Alright, let's move the table so we can sit in circle" Dustin said. "Why can't we play from here" Steve asked annoyed as we were all sat on the couches. "It's more fun this way come on" Dustin said.

Steve rolled his eyes. "fine" he said. We moved and the table and sat on the carpet in circle. "we barely fit Henderson" Robin said. "we'll be fine stop complaining' Dustin said. "soo who's starts?" lucas asked.

"you dumbass, don't we need a water bottle?" Mike asked. We laughed. "Yeah right" Dustin said. "I'll go get one" I said since it's my house. "No I'll go get it" el said standing up before I.

"it's alright" I said. "el,let her try" Nancy said. El nodded. I smiled and walked to the kitchen to get a water bottle slowly. I didn't want to seem weak. Especially for el.

And I also felt like a burden so I try to do things by myself but el doesn't really let me. Only sometimes. I came back. "you did it!!" Lucas said cheering. Everyone laughed. "oh shut up, I feel like an old lady who can't walk properly" I said.

I then carefully sat down on the ground as I held El's arm for support,so I don't fall. "alright who wants to go first?" lucas asked. No one said anything, we just looked at each other. "Fine I'll go then since no one is answering" lucas said.

Lucas spinned the bottle. It landed on Steve. Lucas smirked. "oh no" Steve said already regretting the idea of him joining the game. "Oo interesting, okay so.. Truth or dare?" lucas asked him. "Dare, I'm not scared" Steve said as he scoffed. "you're not scared?" lucas asked laughing.

Steve frowned. "Alright then.. I dare you to shave your head" lucas said. Everyone laughed as Steve's eyes widened clearly not expecting this dare. "what?! No way, you don't know how long I've been waiting for them to grow" Steve said.

"you don't have a choice" Mike said. "Fine, just give one more dare and he'll pick because Steve would start crying if we insist" Robin said. "I'm not gonna cry over hair Robin" Steve said defensively. "You sure? Last time the barber cut your hair 3 inches than you asked you almost cried" Robin said.

We couldn't help but laugh. "no I wasn't!" Steve said. "whatever, I dare you to call your dad and tell him you got a tattoo" lucas said. Steve looked scared.

"he's gonna kill me sinclair" Steve said. "he doesn't let you get a tattoo?" Mike asked in disbelief. Steve shooed his head. "You've got only two options Steve plus it was a favor" Dustin said. Steve sighed and did the dare.

"hey um dad,I've got some news" Steve said through the phone. "What is it? Be quick because I'm working" his dad said. "Oh um, I got a tattoo" Steve said. YOU WHAT?! " his dad yelled. "I TOLD YOU, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED" his dad yelled. "I'm joking dad, calm down, I've been dared to do this" Steve said slightly scared.

There was a little silence but his dad then hung up. "damn he's mad.. He even hung up" lucas said. "yeah no shit sinclair" Steve said annoyed. "Well Steve spin the bottle" lucas told him. Steve spinned it.

It landed on will. "Truth or dare?" Steve asked will. "oh um.. Truth" will shyly said. "uhh" Steve said thinking. He's never really talked to will in private or something so he wasn't sure what to ask. "come on Steve" I said impatiently. "Okay jeez uhh, what's your favourite sport" Steve asked.

"What kind of question is that?!" Nancy said. "well I don't know him that well" Steve said. "i don't have any" will said. "just pick one" Steve said. "fine um, basketball" will said. "Why?" Mike asked. Will shrugged.

"alright, will spin" lucas said. Will spinned the bottle and it landed on Mike. "Oh, truth or dare?" will asked mike. "dare" Mike said. "I dare you go do 20 pushups" will said. Mike gasped. "seriously?" Mike asked will laughed.

"what?! Can't you do 20 pushups" I mocked him as he glared at him. "Of course I can" he said annoyed. He then did the dare. Well at least tried to. He fell as soon as he hit 12. "see" I said. "shut up" Mike said. "it's fine" will told him. I noticed Mike blushing. El must have noticed too because we both looked at each other at the same time.

Mike then spinned the bottle. "it landed on Dustin. Mike smirked. "truth or dare?" Mike asked. "dare" Dustin replied. "I dare you to drink hot sauce and don't drink water for 1 minute" Mike said. "that was quick it's like you've been waiting for it" Robin said laughing.

Mike smiled. Dustin's eyes widened. "you're crazy!!" Dustin said. "Do you have hot sauce in your fridge?" Mike asked me. "why would I have hot sauce in my fridge?" I asked confused. "I don't know, doesn't Billy like spicy food?" Mike asked. "I'll check" I said. "max, sit I'll go, you're gonna get tired" El said. "Aww" Robin said.

"Why do you keep saying aww Robin" I asked her. "because you two are adorable, I love how protective el is" Robin said. "you've said that 5 times already Robin" Dustin said. "so?" Robin asked.

"I'll go, I'll have to do practice for Monday when we go back to school" I said. "practice?" el said giggling. "yes" I simply said standing. I bet Dustin was praying I didn't have hot sauce so he doesn't have to drink it.

"wait I'll come with you, in case you're lying" Mike said standing up. "fine" I said. After all we did have hot sauce. Mike laughed. "poor Dustin" I said laughing along with him.

We were about to go back to the living room but I wants to drink water. Mike stayed once he realised I wasn't following him. I drank water and sighed. "Are you okay?" Mike asked me. I nodded. "For real? You don't have to lie" he asked. I wasn't expecting him to care.

"I'm okay, it just still hurts a little, the doctor said it's normal" I said. "Look, if you're not feeling okay just tell us, I get that you don't want to make us worry, especially el" he said. "yeah I will don't worry" I said. "Great, do you prefer to rest?" he asked.

"no I'm okay" I said. He smiled at and I smiled back. "Okay, let's go back then" he said. I nodded and went back to the living room.

"what took you so long-" lucas asked as Dustin gasped seeing Mike holding the hot sauce. "Oh shit" Steve said laughing. "goddammit max" Dustin said, his arms on his face. "Why is this my fault? You could have picked Truth" I said. I sat back down next to el. She smiled at me. I smiled back.

I grabbed her hand and held it. I noticed Robin looking at us and smirking. Dustin took a sip of it. His face was already red. Dustin had to spin it next but clearly he couldn't. Robin grabbed it. It landed on me.

"oh come on! Why did Robin have to spin it" I said already knowing her either dare or question would be stupid. Robin laughed. "soo truth or dare?" Robin asked. "Truth" I said. "Hmmm how long have you had feelings for el?" Robin asked. "Uhh I don't know, maybe after we've came closer" I said. I feel like i liked her since the day we've met but I wasn't sure what I felt.

Robin smiled. "Oooo" Robin said. "Robin stop being dramatic" Steve said. Robin laughed. "I'm not being dramatic" Robin said back. "Whatever! I'll spin" I said spinning the bottle.

It landed on Mike. "truth or dare?" I asked. "dare" he said confidently. "Kiss will" I said. Both of them blushed. "ooo" everyone said smiling. They don't know they're dating. Mike and will turned red. "So?" Robin asked them.

They kissed. "you two should date" lucas said. I think they all know they're dating because it's obvious. "aren't you already dating?" Dustin asked but Nancy who was sitting next to him hit his arm.

"w-what?" Mike asked, still blushing. "Isn't it obvious, that you're dating" Steve said. Will and Mike looked at each other. "aww" Robin said. "Yeah.. We are" Mike managed to say. Everyone cheered and smiled. "That's great dude!" lucas said. Both of them smiled.

1466 words. To be continued!! Hello I'm back on this book haha😂😎👋

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