Chapter 92: Ted

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Nancy's pov

Our kiss was cut off by someone walking in. It was dad. We looked at him terrified of what's going to happen. I hadn't told Robin about the conversation the other day with my family. When my dad was being really homophobic."Dad it's not-" I immediately said but her words were cut off by him yelling

"No! This can't be happening! My daughter isn't a Dyke! No! Are you out of your mind Nancy?!" he yelled. My heart broke as I stared at him in horror. The look on his face.. Angry, upset, furious, disgusted. I don't even know how else to describe the look on his face

My dad is always calm but I know he isn't the best person. He doesn't care about anyone other than himself. Yes he may be working hard for us and everything but I never got support from him.

He just goes from work, to the armchair. My mom making him coffee right after work. He watches tv all the time after work, not even bothering to check up on us.

Then when it's diner, he doesn't talk much. Maybe like some political boring stuff. He's just always bored. My mom is the one who keeps the conversations going at diner and stuff.

Or us talking about other stuff. It's like he's invisible or something. He never gave me advice,he barely asks how I am. Only how my grades were and about school. If I got a bad grade he would suddenly care about my life.

My mom always checks up on me. She asks how I am whenever I get back from school or now from work.

He kept staring at us furiously. "dad-" I tried again but he wouldn't let me talk. He started yelling again. This caused my mom to ran up the stairs to see what happened. Mike was probably wearing headphones or something

"You! Get the hell out of my house disgusting Dyke! You're a bad influence on my daughter! Get out now!" my dad yelled at Robin. Robin looked at him, not knowing what to do scared and upset.

We made eye contact for a few seconds. We didn't know what to do. Until my dad slapped the piano breaking our eye contact." Are you deaf or something! I said get out!"my dad yelled again.

Robin nodded and ran out of the bedroom. My mom tried to stop Robin but my dad wouldn't agree." Karen! Let her leave! Don't you dare"my dad yelled.

Then Robin left. I was holding back tears. After Robin left there was a silence. My dad just kept glaring at me giving me the death stare. He's never done this before.

It was scary. I couldn't believe my eyes. "downstairs! We're gonna have a talk!" my dad angrily said. "Ted-" my mom tried. "No! I said we all go downstairs" my dad angrily but calmy said. He finally stopped yelling for a second

We all went downstairs in the diner room. We sat down. "Can you explain what the hell I just witnessed?" my dad asked. I didn't know what to say. "answer the question!" he yelled.

"I-I don't know-" I said stuttering. I literally didn't know what to say. He literally saw us kissing, he's gotta stop playing dumb. "you Nancy wheeler, my daughter kissing a woman? Are you out of your mind! Gay people shouldn't exist! You're sick Nancy! I don't know how that girl is but she's affecting you" my dad angrily said.

I stared at him in disbelief, disappointed, upset. Any bad emotion that could exist. I knew he was going to be mad but not this bad.. He was overreacting and it broke my heart.

"She didn't do anything dad its just how I feel-" I said, my voice breaking. I tried to act cool, trying not have a mental breakdown in front of them. "Bullshit! You shouldn't be feeling like this, this isn't normal Nancy" my dad said.

"Why do you even care dad! You never care about me anyways" I finally managed to talk back. He looked at me in disbelief. "That's not true!" he said. "Really? You barely talk to us after work or ever! You're always sitting on that armchair watching TV, not even bothering to see how we are" I said.

Words can't describe how much I've wanted to tell him that. I've been keeping that in me for god knows how long. "It's because I'm tired from work! I don't have time-" he said. "That's what you always say!" I said.

He didn't say anything else. "what's with the attitude" he asked. "Ted it's okay-"my mom tried. "No it's not okay Karen! Dykes and faggots are sinners! God didn't create us to be a woman with a woman! That's ridiculous" he said.

Each word that came out of his mouth hurted me a lot. "Nancy honey.. What your dad is trying to say is that maybe it's just a phase, you're not sure yet-"my mom softly said but none of that is comforting or soft. I frowned even more.

"Mom.. What are you talking about? Its not a phase.. Its who I am" I said quietly. I thought my mom would be supportive. At least a little bit.. "Okay then.." my mom said looking away. I could tell she was more disappointed than mad.

My dad was furious. "How long has this been going on?" he asked. "a couple of weeks" I said quietly. He scoffed. "Look at you, thinking you're in love. You hadn't seen the world. You have no idea what love is. You have to marry a man! That's how life is!" my dad said.

"But that's not what I want! I just want to be happy. You think I like how I am" I said. "Even you thinks you're disgusting" my dad said laughing. That was definitely not funny. "I didn't say that.." I quietly said.

"That's it! You're are so dumb, you will be going to a therapist" my dad said. I frowned even more. "What the hell?? Why?!" I asked loudly in shock. What does the therapist have to do with this?

"To fix you! Something's definitely wrong with you, you will go to the therapist, end of discussion. You need to realise that this is wrong" my dad said. "I'm not going there dad.. I'm an adult anyways-" I said. At this point I've started crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"As long as you live in this house you will follow my rules!" my dad loudly said.

"No-" I managed to say through sobs. He then slapped me. My mom gasped loudly as I held my cheek in disbelief. My own dad reacting like this. It's unbelievable..

1135 words. To be continued.. I'm a bit tired and lazy so I will continue writing this tomorrow my apologies😃🤦‍♀️I already know what to write, this time I will write a few notes down before I forget it, I've learned my lesson see😂💪anywayss. Hi!

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