Chapter 36: Ronance (a Little) Part 1

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Max's pov

El got back in the room when Robin left. Billy left to get some fast food. I was 22:00 am but he didn't care. He just went there when he was hungry saying that hospital's cantine food sucks. Not gonna lie, hospital food isn't always good as well.

I don't really like what they give me but my mom insists I eat so I do. So is el. "why didn't you eat your food love?" el softly asked me as she got in.

I immediately smiled when I saw her. "not really hungry" I said. "babe, I know you don't like hospital food but you have to eat.." el softly said sitting down next to me.

"I-I are a little" I said. El looked at the food. She gave me a serious look. "you took one bite love" el said. I giggled. "so?" I said. She rolled her eyes playfully.

"I know you don't like it but you have to" el said grabbing my hand gently. I smiled. "this steak is dry-" I said. She cut me off by shoving a bite of steak in my mouth forcefully. "what are you doing?" I asked as my mouth was full.

She laughed. "stop acting like a child max, you're not 5" el said. She was acting like my mom. I know she's just taking care of me. I love it though. Her being so caring melts my heart.

She backed up so I can eat. She looked at me like a proud mom. "good" she said laughing. Suddenly my mom comes in.

She looked confused. "Okay, how did you convince her to eat?" my mom asked el. I laughed a little while eating. El shrugged. "she forced me" I said my mouths still full.

El nodded. "as she should! Thank you el" my mom said smiling at el. I finally swallowed. "are you two teaming up for me to eat" I said. "kind of" my mom said laughing. I rolled my eyes. "this food just doesn't taste good-" I said.

"enough maxine, doctor said you have to eat so you will" my mom said slightly serious. I groaned. "Okay fine" I said. My mom went outside to talk on the phone. Honestly she does that a lot so el and I or when my friends arrive can talk.

I mean, it's reasonable because what else would she do with us in the room so she usually just sits outside with a parent or something, or with Billy.

El laughed. I looked at her. "seriously baby you're laughing at me" I said acting sad. She laughed. "I'm not, you're just adorable" she said smiling. I smiled. "no, you are" I said as she smiled.

"I would have to disagree on that" she said. "you don't have to eat that! You don't know how it tastes like"i said. She laughed a little. "Okay.. I guess I will now" she said. I frowned confused.

"what do you mean?" I asked. "I'll eat with you, to give you company" she said. "what-no you don't have to" I said. She grabbed the cutlery, cut the steak and took a bite. "see, now we're even. We'll get through it together" she said smiling. I smiled. I thought it was cute not gonna lie.

I laughed at her because you could see she didn't like the taste. "see, I told you love I wouldn't react dramatically" I said. "you kinda did but its not so bad" she said. "whatever" I said. She smiled. "Okay fine I'll eat a little" I said smiling. She smiled proudly.

After a minute she put the water bottle over my mouth motioning me to drink. "you know I can do that myself right?" I said laughing. "right sorry" el said laughing. "you don't have to apologise, I appreciate everything all of this, you don't have to" I said smiling.

"of course, you're my girlfriend and I love you. Of course I would take care of you" she said smiling. My heart melted. I don't deserve her at all...

I smiled and blushed. "I love you too" I quietly said. "can you come closer?" I asked. She looked at me confused but did as told. "what is it? Are we sharing secrets?" el joked laughing. "shh no, I just want to-"i quietly said as I leaned in.

She kissed back softly. I smiled through the kiss, so did she. My hand was resting on her cheek. Suddenly Billy bursted in. We pulled away. He froze standing at the doorway. He was holding bags of food in his hands.

"um, hi" he awkwardly said. It was still awkward but I was glad it wasn't my mom. She supports me and stuff but it's always awkward. Who kisses in front of parents?

"hello" we both said. "well, I brought food" he said sitting down on a chair. "oh thank god-" I said about to take the bag but he stopped me. I had a disappointed look on my face. "no, doctor said you can't. Especially fast food" he said.

I looked at him disappointed. "fine" I said. Billy went to tell my mom to come eat. So she did. He passed her some food from the bag and went to give el as well. "I already ate" el said. Billy was confused.

"when did you eat?" he asked. "just a few minutes ago, I ate with max" el said. Billy looked at me, still very confused. "she wanted to eat with me because I was complaining" I said. He laughed.

"um, okay, so you go through this terrible food together situation together?" he asked. "yeah basically" el said. "Okay.. That's cute I guess" he said taking a bite of his burger. How dare he, right in front of us.

"You're such a jerk, you know that?" I said annoyed. He stopped eating and looked at me. "what?" he asked confused. "how dare you eat in front of us" I said. "well I'm sorry, do you expect me to go eat at the restroom" he asked.

I shook my head. "are you sure you don't want any el?" he asked her. El nodded smiling.

Nancy's pov


I made the first one to hold Robin's hand. But then el came and I for some reason immediately dropped it. I was afraid of judgement. Figuring out yourself is scary. I don't want to tell people. Especially my loved ones.

I know most of them will support me but not my parents. Maybe my mom but I don't know.. Well Jonathan knows obviously since we broke up. He's pretty supportive too. Even though it's hurting him.

It's a big relief to know that Jonathan doesn't hate me but he instead understands me. After el left, we just sat there awkwardly. It was hard to just do it again. I didn't know why. Jonathan I made eye contact. "do it" he mouthed. I shook my head immediately.

Robin's pov

Nancy suddenly held my hand while we were outside of max's hospital room. It was Nancy, Steve, Jonathan, Billy and I. She suddenly grabbed my hand. I froze. I didn't know if it was real.

My heart was beating so fast I thought it would rip off my chest. I felt billions of butterflies. I was freaking out on the inside. I didn't let go. 'isn't she with Jonathan?' I thought at that moment.

Then el walked by. Nancy immediately dropped my hand. I was disappointed. A lot.. I knew why she did it but it still hurts. Maybe she meant it as a friend. Because she's dating Jonathan, unless they broke up I don't know.

*after talking with max*

On the way home I kept thinking about what just happened. I loved the feeling. I was dreaming of all the possibilities. Nancy and I together.. Imagine. Max told me Nancy is into me for sure but I don't know what to believe.

Maybe she meant it as a friend I don't know.. It's confusing. I decided to just ask her tomorrow. Max encouraged me to before is too late. She's right not gonna lie.

I grabbed my phone as soon as I got in. I kept staring at the phone thinking about what to do. Should I call her or not?maybe she's sleeping. After all I decided to take the biggest risk and just do it.

"hello?" I heard her voice. I smiled immediately. "hey, um, it's Robin" I nervously said. I was excited to talk to her but pretty nervous at the same time. "oh hi Robin! What's up?" she asked. I paused. "hello?" she repeated.

"oh um, I was wondering if you-would um-want to go out tomorrow with me?" I asked slowly unsure. I was scared of rejection and embarrassment. There was silence for only a few seconds but it felt like hours.

"yeah-yeah sure, I would love to" she said kind of stuttering. I smiled and sighed relieved. "Okay! See you tomorrow then, at cafe?" I said. "yeah sure!" she said. "Okay Robin, goodnight" she said. "goodnight! Nancy" I said. Whe then hung up. It was a small talk but I loved it. Hearing her voice..

1542 words. To be continuedd!!

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