Chapter 52: "best friend" essay

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Max's pov

I went home. "are you okay?" my mom asked as soon as el left. I nodded. "she's the sweetest girl, I'm so happy for you max" my mom said laughing. I couldn't help but smile. "she is.. I'm so happy" I said smiling.

"come here" my mom said opening her arms. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Wanna watch something, on TV?" my mom asked when we pulled away.

"sure" I said sitting down on the couch. "I brought snacks too!!" my mom said excitedly. "since when are you so excited to watch something with me? We hadn't done that in a while" I said giggling. "I just missed your company" my mom said.

I smiled. I was very lucky my mom was supportive and happy for me and its so important. Then we started watching the movie.

"i was thinking" my mom started saying in the middle of the movie. "yes?" I asked since she paused. "since Christmas is coming soon, I thought we should do a Christmas table and invite everyone" my mom said.

My eyes lighted up. "Really?" I asked. She nodded smiling. "they've helped us a lot, I would love to spend our Christmas with them if they want to. "yeah same" I said. The thought of spending the time with my girlfriend el is quite amazing.

"I'll call them tomorrow to tell them" my mom said. I nodded. "Should I tell el?" I asked. "if you want to" she said. I nodded. Then the movie ended. My mom fell asleep when there were like 20 minutes left as always.

I went into my room. Finally back home. I got so tired and bored at the hospital. I decided to do something else than sleep again and again. Unless it hurts a lot.

But it hurt a little so I was okay. I sat on my desk chair and started doing some of the homework they put us at school. I've done my science one, physics and English was the one left.

We had to write an essay about a friend. The first person I've thought of first was el. I won't mention that she's m  girlfriend but I'll still write about her. I grabbed my headphones to put on some music as well.

It calms me. I was smiling almost the entire time when I was writing it. It might be the easiest essay ever. Because I have a lot to say about el. I'm so in love.

The essay:

El has been my friend for 2 years now. We've met when we were 14 years old and we've became close friends and it's the best decision I've made in my life. We're best friends. I don't know what I would do without her. She always supports me, loves me and is always there for me. She has got wavy brown hair and   gorgeous brown eyes. Even though she doesn't really like her eye color, I personally find them incredibly beautiful.  She's of medium height. She is kind, sweet, friendly, funny and I love to spend my time with her. She always lights up my mood whenever I'm with her and always puts a smile on my face. She loves eating waffles, loves drawing, watching TV and reading magazines. We read comics and magazines all the time together. We also watch movies. She makes me laugh like a kid, just like friends do. All in all, I'm so happy and glad to have el in my life. She makes me happy and I'm so lucky to have her as my best friend. I hope we stay friends forever

The urge I had to write girlfriend instead of best friend was strong. I wish I could openly talk about our relationship. Its unfair but we can't do otherwise. Suddenly I heard a noise. I had headphones on so I wasn't sure if I heard right. I took them off. I was right, the phone was ringing. I stood up and walked over to it.

"yeah?" I asked. "max!! It's el!" I heard my girlfriend's beautiful voice. I immediately smiled when I heard her angelic voice. "Hey el!! Why are you calling me? Is everything okay?" I asked. I looked at the clock. It was 11 pm. It was quite late. "oh nothing happened I just wanted to hear your voice before going to bed" el said. That made me blush hard.

I stood there blushing, smiling like an idiot. "max? Are you there?" she asked. "oh, yeah I'm here! I'm happy you called I wanted to hear from you as well but I thought you would be asleep by now" I said chuckling nervously.

"ohh okay! Well, goodnight!! Sweet dreams max!" she said. I could tell she was smiling by the tone of her voice. "Goodnight love!" I said smiling. "I love you max" she said as I was about to hang up after saying goodnight. "I love you too el!" I said smiling. She giggled. "alright, goodnight now before hopper comes check on me" she said.

I laughed. "Okay, goodnight" I said hanging up. I put the phone back to its place. I leaned against the wall smiling. I really love her. The fact that she wanted to talk to me before going to sleep melted my heart for some reason.

Suddenly someone knocked on my bedroom door. "yes?" I asked. I thought everyone was sleep. Well, 'everyone',its just Billy, my mom and I now in this house. Billy opened the door.

"Hey" he said closing the door behind him slowly. "why are you here? Didn't you sleep?" I asked confused. "Oh, no I didn't go to sleep yet. I wanted to come talk to you for a little but I heard you talking with your girl" Billy said smirking slightly.

"oh" I said. "Okay but sometimes you make me jealous" he said making me frown. "what do you mean?" I asked. "You and el, you're so cute together, I wish I had what you have" he said. I've never heard Billy saying something like that and never expected him to say.

"You've got plenty of girls, don't you have a girlfriend" I asked. "Well, no.. I don't thimk I was in love" he said quietly. "but.. Are you now?" I asked. It was then my turn to smirk to somehow tease him.

"I think so" he said. I smiled. "Oh my god! Billy is in love! No one could have expected that, like for real?" I said excitedly. He nodded blushing. "you're blushing!!" I said to mock him. "is this your revenge after I teased you and el?" he asked. "something like that" I said. He laughed and rolled his eyes playfully.

"I'm sure she'll like you back, just tell her and be mostly romantic" I said. He frowned. "what do you mean? I am being romantic" he said. I glared at him. "what?" he asked. "you know what I mean" I said. "Whatever" he said. "alright goodnight" he said. "goodnight" I said. I then went to sleep.

1192 words. To be continued!!

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