Chapter 56: Emily

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Max's pov

It was break time. "how are you max?" lucas asked as we were all eating,the party. "I'm okay, it doesn't hurt as much fortunately" I said. "Nick keeps staring at you" Mike said, his mouth full so we could barely hear him

"yeah i know" I said. "aren't you gonna do anything about it?" Dustin asked. "I already did" I said. "what do you mean?" will asked. "we exchanged notes and asked him. He put them in his pencil case though-" I said

"oh come on.. We've missed the drama" Dustin said. "Dustin! Jeez" lucas said. "What did he write to you?" will asked ignoring Dustin's comment.

"I asked him why he was staring at me and he said that he's still in love with me, that I'm so pretty and he can't help but stare but he finished with a 'but I know you're with a girl el so I can't do anything about it'" I said. "What?!" both Mike and Dustin said at the same time. "yep" I said. "Bruh" lucas said.

"And I told him to stop because el and I felt uncomfortable" I said. They looked at el and then at me. "as you should what the hell is he doing? I mean I'm glad he didn't say anything about your relationship to anyone yet but still" mike said.

"I know right" I said agreeing. "Are you okay el?" Dustin asked her. She nodded. "She didn't kill him yet" Mike joked. We laughed. "Exactly, yet" el said giggling. I laughed and looked at her. She smiled at me.

I grabbed her hand from under the bench. "Awww look at those two love birds" Dustin teased quietly so they others don't hear us. "What?" I asked playing dumb. "You're both blushing, I assume you're holding hands" Dustin said smirking. "maybe" I said. They laughed slightly

"let them be Dustin and stop teasing them. El's gotta make sure no one steals her girl" Mike joked. "No one will steal my girl" El joked along. We laughed. "Of course not" I said. "This couple things are cringy stop" Dustin said. "You're just jealous Dustin" lucas said as we laughed

"No I'm not!" Dustin said. "el" someone said behind us. It was the girl I've been talking to in pe class. Her name is emily. "uh yeah?" el said. "Can you come here for a second" Emily asked. El looked at me and then stood up.

I frowned. Why does Emily want to talk to el. The boys looked at me really confused. "who's that?" Mike asked. "oh.. its emily, she has pe class with us" I said. "Why does she want to talk to el though?" lucas asked.

"Uhh, El was having a basketball match and as I was sitting on the benches Emily sat down next to me and we started talking" I said. "She uh suspected our relationship, I thought she was homophobic so I didn't tell her anything and kind of panicked. But she told me that she likes girls so I told her" I said.

"ohh okay" they said. "And I assume el got.
jealous?" will asked. I nodded. "damn.. you should tell el-" lucas said but I cut him off. "I told her that I don't like Emily and she was okay. I don't know why Emily wants to talk to her right now though" I said kind of worried. "I guess we'll see" they said I nodded.

El's pov

That girl max was talking to wanted to talk to me for some reason. We went somewhere near to talk privately. "Uhh I'm sorry I randomly came but I wanted to talk to you, im Emily" she said. I nodded. "nice to meet you" I said to try to be kind. "uh I already know your name, max told me a lot about you" she said.

"I know you saw us talking to each in pe class and you've been kind of looking at me or more like glaring at me at times in that period so I assumed you were jealous and I wanted to tell you that there's nothing going on between max and I-" she said. I could sense that she was being honest.

I trust max but I don't trust her. I mean, anyone who might like max. I know max won't cheat on me. I don't know if that makes sense. "I know, max told me. It's all right don't worry" I said. She smiled nervously.

"I also like girls.. I don't know if max told you. I should have thought of what you might feel before talking to max. I guess I got excited and happy that I'm not the only gay person here and wanted to talk I'm sorry that makes no sense-" she said fast.

She talks like Robin not gonna lie. "hey, it's okay. I understand you" I said. She smiled. I'm not sociable so it was a bit hard for me to talk with people. "Okay.. You should go back to your friends and max.. I'm sorry about this" she said

"it's fine, thanks for being honest" I said. She smiled and waved. I waved back. I still feel jealous of her but I understood how she felt. I got back to the others. "hey, what did she tell you?" they asked. I told them and stuff.

"I mean, it's a good move from her I would say" Mike said. "I guess" I said. Max looked at me. I smiled at her to resure her that I'm okay. She smiled back. We then started talking about other random things.

938 words. To be continued!!

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