Chapter 73: Hangout Part 3(+ronance)

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Max's pov

We started playing monopoly. We played as teams again since we were a lot of people. I was with el, Nancy with Robin, Mike with will, lucas with dustin, Steve with Jonathan.

El and I couldn't stop laughing about Dustin's face expressions. He keeps losing in monopoly, it isn't really his game. He keeps blaming lucas though. "Why are you two laughing at?" Dustin asked frowning.

That only made us laugh more. "For real, you've been giggling for straight two minutes" Mike said. "it's nothing" el and I said giggling. "leave the lovebirds alone" Robin joked. "What are they? Your kids?" Mike said. "Yes actually they are" Robin said proudly.

"alright" he said. El and I were holding hands under the table the whole time. I've wanted Robin to make a move and do the same with Nancy. "Robin" I whispered leaning closer to her. "what?" she asked. "Take her hand" I whispered. She frowned. "Who? Nancy's?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. "No, El's" I said sarcastically. "of course Nancy's, who else's" I said.

"No, we're with the others" Robin said. "Under the table you idiot, no one will see you except el and I who are sitting next to you. The others are sitting across from us" I said.

"okay.. I'll try" she said nervously. I didn't want to watch them during so in case Nancy feels uncomfortable by me staring at them.

Robin's pov

I finally made the move to hold Nancy's hand. She immediately blushed and looked at me. She looked around. Everyone was quite busy playing. She didn't say anything else. After a minute of us holding hands she suddenly dropped it. My heart sank. Why did she that

I looked at her confused and sadly. She didn't dare to look at me. She had a sad face but mostly an embarrassed one. I just sighed and continued playing along with the others. Max looked at me. I think she could tell what happened even though she didn't see us.

She frowned and looked at me scanning my face. She looked at me sadly then. She can always tell when I'm upset.

Max's pov

I could tell from Robin's face that it didn't go so well. I felt bad and sorry for her. It must be terrible. El and I were still holding hands. I understand Nancy's embarrassment. She's scared, I know how that feels. But I felt bad for Robin.

The others couldn't see so I don't see a problem. If she's not comfortable yet, there's nothing we can do. "Mike! You ate all the doritos!" lucas complained

"no I didn't!? Dustin ate too" Mike said. "whatever" lucas said. "Robin are you okay?" I heard Steve who was sitting across us leaning close to Robin asking eye quietly. Robin nodded.

After we played a little more  we decided to go to the basement. "So what do you want to do?" Mike asked. We shrugged. "Ohh!! Should we play dnd??" will asked excitedly. "Yes!" lucas agreed. All the boys agreed actually. Steve was unsure but Dustin forced him. "Dnd? Again?" I asked. "Come on max, it's not that hard" Dustin said.

"it's just boring" I said. "then don't play" Dustin said. "Okay then" I said not really caring. "what about the others?" Mike asked. "we're good thanks" Nancy said as el and Nancy agreed. "You guys are lame, what are you even gonna do alone?" Mike asked.

"just talk? Like normal human beings" Nancy said. Mike rolled his eyes. "Are you implying that we're not normal just because of dnd" Mike asked raising his eyebrow. "Sort of, aren't you bored of that game yet? You've been playing it for years and I got tired of all the yellings so I think I'll go to my room" Nancy said.

"Okay then" Mike said. Nancy walked up the stairs. "Uh Nancy?" I asked. She turned around before walking up the stairs. "stay with us, we could like hangout, just the girls, like in the living room or something" I suggested.

I didn't want anyone to be upset. Not Nancy not Robin. I was sad that she dropped Robin's hand earlier but its not her fault either. Nancy looked at Robin. "uh okay sure" she said faking a smile. We nodded and walked upstairs. Robin stopped me half way though. "What are you doing max?" Robin asked me.

"what am I doing?" I asked. "why would you suggest hanging out alone the four of us after what happened!" Robin said. "So you guys can talk obviously, talk is the solution" I said. "Yeah not always, clearly she doesn't like me" Robin said. "Oh my god Robin, she likes you! She's just scared!" I said.

"how do you know?!" Robin asked. I sighed. "just... try and talk to her, you've got nothing to loose" I said calmy. Robin looked at me for a few seconds. She nodded.

"Are you coming?" Nancy asked. El and Nancy were both waiting as we were waking up the stairs. We nodded and followed them. I grabbed El's hand again as we were doing before. We hold hands everywhere at this point.

Nancy suggested we go to her room. Nancy sat down at her bed, Robin on her desk chair. "You have a puff couch?" El and I asked excitedly. "yep" Nancy replied laughing at our excitement. "Since when?!" I asked. "like a month ago or something, I don't remember" Nancy said.

"can I sit?" I asked. "Yeah, of course" Nancy said smiling. I sat down on the couch. "What about me?" el asked sadly. I giggled. "just come here, we can fit" I said opening my arms for her to come. She smiled like a kid and sprinted towards me.

I laughed. She ran so fast that she ended up falling on me. I groaned in pain. "Ow, my stomach baby" I said giggling even though her accidentally smashed me. She giggled. "sorry love" el said. She stood up.

"It's fine don't worry, come back" I said. This time she sat down next to me. We could barely fit but it was better, I could be closer to her. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her.

She wrapped her arms around my waist side hugging me. I smiled and blushed. Robin and Nancy were looking at us awkwardly. I gave Robin the look. Motioning to take Nancy to talk privately.

She noticed but shook her head. I sighed disappointed. "hey el" I asked her quietly. She nodded. "Wanna go downstairs to get snacks?" I asked her. She was a little confused but I think her understood.

She nodded. "we'll be back" I said. Robin and Nancy nodded. We walked go the kitchen with el. "What was that for? We're not here for the snacks are we? What's wrong?" el asked confused.

"Well-both but-so, remember how Nancy and Robin held hands under the table earlier?" I asked. She nodded.

"well at some point Nancy dropped Robin's and Robin is upset" I said. El looked sad. "what? Why" el asked. I shrugged. "I don't know, I guess she was embarrassed and scared of people seeing them?

I don't know, that's why I wanted them to have some alone time, because I'm sure Robin will stay up until 4 am over thinking about it and cry.  I'm sure Nancy likes her but Robin thinks otherwise, I mean I would too if that happened to me if-" I said.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "if you dropped my hand I would think you didn't like me" I said. She giggled. "Well, that's wrong love" she said.

"boop"she said poking my nose gently to tease me. She does that a lot, I find it cute. I giggled. She smiled.

Robin's pov

Max and el left us alone. I didn't want to talk to Nancy. But at the same time I wanted to. I was mad at max for leaving us alone because I knew exactly why she did.

1345 words. To be continued!

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