Chapter 83: Principal's Decision

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Max's pov

After we got home. I asked hopper if I could go over and keep el company. He of course said okay. "Would you like to take a nap baby?" I asked el once we got into her room.

El changed into her comfortable clothes. We were both wearing sweatpants and hoodies.

She nodded. She layed down on the bed. I put the blanket over her and then made my way to walk out of her room so she can sleep. "max" el said. I turned around. "yes love?" I asked. "can you lay with me? Please" she quietly said looking at me

I smiled and nodded. "Of course" I said walking towards and got under the blanket with her. She got closer to me and snuggled on me. ⬇️

I kissed her forhead gently

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I kissed her forhead gently. "I love you" I whispered. "I love you too" she whispered back. Then we both fell asleep.

Third person pov

The principal told them to wait outside for a few minutes. The principal called hopper. "Um hello sir" hopper said. "hello Mr. Hopper, I would like to talk to you for a little if you're not busy" the principal said.

"yeah of course, I'm not busy, I told them I won't go to work for the rest of the day so I can stay with the girls" hopper said

"oh maxine is there as well?" the principal asked. "yes" hopper replied. "Oh okay.. I was thinking to call the

"Okay.. Justin" the principal started saying after all of them left. It was just Justin, his parents and the principal left. "so,I was thinking it's best we call the juvenile detention centre to arrest Justin" the principal said.

Hopper was speechless, he didn't know what to say. "That's what I thought as well, actually it was my first thought, he definitely deserves it" hopper said.

"Yes I agree, the look on his face, it looked like he didn't even regret it and that's what got me thinking" the principal said. "yeah, I noticed that as well, it was unbelievable" hopper said.

"Okay, I will call them, I will talk to his parents and him first, they are waiting outside, I'll tell them the news" the principal said. "Okay, thank you sir" hopper said. "no problem sir, tell the Jane that everything is gonna be okay, she's safe now" the principal said. Then they hung up.

The principal walked out of his office and told them to come in. "So.. Justin" the principal started. "I won't do it again sir-" Justin said. "I'm afraid that we will have to do worse than detention Justin" the principal calmly said.

"What? W-what do you mean?" Justin asked confused. "I had called the juvenile detention centre for Justin-" the principal said. "What!-" all of them said at the same time

"What!! I didn't even rape her! I swear I wasn't planning on-" Justin said. "You weren't planning on?! Seriously? You took off her clothes, what was that for huh? You literally started kissing her neck, she now has hickeys on it and you still call that not sexual assault?! Plus you hurt her! " the principal angrily said.

"Sir, please, I know what he's done is messed up, I am furious about it too. He could get retentions? I will make sure he never talks and hurt that girl-" Justin's dad said

"Please sir don't do it-I can get a detention not go there-" Justin tried. Now he was begging the principal.

"Enough! I had already called them, what got me thinking... Is that when you first got here it looked like you didn't even regret it, which is worse. You keep denying and denying, enough is enough. I've made my decision, you regret nothing so you will have to go there"the principal said.

All of them were shocked. "Mom!? Say something-" Justin said since his mom was oddly quiet, only his dad tried to help the situation. His mom hadn't said anything so that made Justin upset.

"What do I say? You think I want my son to go to jail? Whatever that place is? No, I'm disappointed, upset and angry at you. I feel so sorry for that girl, you know how much you've hurt her? Mentally mostly.

I didn't raise my son to be a rapist!" Justin's mom said. "I'm not a rapist! I didn't-" Justin said but she cut him off. "Stop it! I hate this! I never wanted you to be like this, you don't treat a girl like this! Do you hear me?!

Maybe going there will teach you a lesson, so what? Do you think it's best you stay here? How do I know you won't hurt that girl again? For revenge or something? Or any girl?! " his mom said angrily.

" Because I won't mom! I didn't mean to I swear" Justin said about to cry. "I'm sorry Justin... My heart breaks hearing these news.." his mom said upset.

"Mom.. Come on" Justin said crying. "I love you son, I will always love you no matter what but you deserve it" his mom said.

"Dad?" Justin asked. "I'm sorry son.." he said. "how long will he stay?" his dad asked. "I don't know,you will discuss this with them, maybe a few months or a year it depends, because it's considered sexual assault and abuse, I'm not sure how it works sir, you will have to discuss it with them" the principal said. They nodded. After a few minutes they came to arrest him.

Hopper's pov

I've just got a call from the principal saying that he will call the juvenile detention centre to arrest Justin for sexual assault. I felt relieved because that's what he deserved.

I've walked into El's room to tell the girls the news but I noticed them sleeping. They were cuddling, sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to wake them up, I've decided to just tell them after they wake up. I smiled at the cute sight of them cuddling and closed the door.

1009 words. To be continued!

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