Chapter 11: Neil

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Chapter 11

Max's pov

Shit shit shit. Neil bursted in the room we el and I were kissing. Unfortunately he caught us even though we pulled away immediately.

"what the hell are you two doing?!!" he yelled. "Neil-it's not what you think-" I tried but Neil slapped me. El gasped and tried to push him away but he was too strong. (a/n: el lost her powers btw)

He pushed el on the ground sharply. El tried to stand up and walked towards him but I stopped her. I didn't want her to get hurt.

"el leave" I quietly told her. "no, he's hurting you max" she said worried. "I'll be fine, just go" I said seriously. "max-" she tried. "Ge the hell out of my house you disgusting dyke!!" Neil yelled. "I'll go get help" el quickly whispered to my ear as I nodded and she immediately opened the window and heard her falling.

As much as I didn't admit it, I needed help, I was terrified of him. "Who the hell told you to be a dyke!! You're disgusting, do you heard me disgusting!! You can't kiss girls" he yelled on my face, spitting as well.

"I won't do it again I'm sorry-" I tried, crying. We all know I would do it again but I was so scared at that moment. "Bullshit!! Hell yeah you will!! Now I know why you don't have a boyfriend! Not because you're stupid, ugly and with that attitude no one will like you! But the real reason is... That you're a dyke" he yelled the last part louder. I couldn't stop crying.

My mom got into the room. Billy was out with some friends after dinner. I really needed him, so much. "Neil please stop" my mom yelled but he wouldn't. He started punching my stomach,slapping me. My mom tried to push him but he pushed her back to hard she fell on the floor unconscious.

"mom!" I yelled. "shut the fuck up!! She'll be fine! Look what you've done to your mother, you caused this!!" he yelled. "you did-" I quietly said but he slapped me again.

He literally started punching me everywhere, arms, stomach, face.. Just everywhere. "N-neil please s-stop" I cried. "no!! You need to learn a lesson!!! I am so disappointed in you!! You've always been different, and that is not allowed!" he yelled slapping me again.

"I won't do it again!! I'm sorry-" I yelled crying. He stopped, just as I thought that the nightmare was over he started putting random clothes of mine in a backback I had on my desk chair. He was kicking me out..

I was glad he was... I would rather be anywhere except this home right there. "Look what you've done!! You're always getting on my nerves, and now this?! I am not watching you swapping spits with a stupid fucking dyke in my house!!" he yelled paused to yell at me and got back to shoving clothes in my backpack. I couldn't stop crying. My body was screaming in pain

El's pov

I jumped out the window quickly. I've hurt my ankle but I didn't care at all. I wanted max safe. I ran to the closest house near max. Only an adult could handle Neil. Hopper was working. Plus my house is far away and max could he dead until I get there and come back.

I didn't have my walkie talkie with me because I went to max's house with nothing but planning on kissing her, which turned out pretty badly.. I felt so guilty. I couldn't stop crying.

So I went to the nearest house. I immediately thought of Steve. Robin is living with him as well now. I knocked the door loudly. He wasn't there yet so I knocked again louder. I heard someone running towards the door.

Thank god, the door opened. I found a sleepy Robin with messy hair looking at me worriedly, sleepy, annoyed. "Why are you knocking so loud el it's so late-" Robin complained. "I don't care Robin we have a big problem!! Please tell Steve to come" I slightly yelled. Her face turned into a worried one. "What? What happened?" she asked. "I don't have time to explain Robin just tell him please!" I cried. She noddef immediately and ran inside to get Steve.

He ran as soon as Robin told him. Got his keys quickly and we all ran to the car and started driving. "What the hell happened el? Where to?" he asked worriedly. "at max's" I said, tears still falling down my face.

Both of their eyes widened. "What happened to max??" Robin asked. "Neil-her step dad caught us kissing and he's hurting her right now so I ran to the closest place i could for help-" I quickly said. "Hey calm down we're almost there" Robin tried to comfort me but I couldn't catch my breath, I was so worried.

"I tried to help her but he's too strong Robin!! She could be dead by now I'm so worried, I didn't know her step dad was like this!! Only if I had my powers" I said crying. Robin pulled me into a hug as Steve ran as fast as he could. "it's gonna be okay" Robin whispered. No it won't..

We finally arrived. I opened the door before Steve stopped the car and ran. We ran to the door hoping someone would unlock it.

"it's locked, isn't her mom or Billy there?" Robin said worried. "No, I think Billy's out tonight, her mom's there I think I don't know" I quickly said.

"window" I said climbing. Steve followed me immediately. So did Robin, she was struggling a little though. I jumped inside, Steve right after me. I saw Neil punching max everywhere. A bag with clothes was next to him. He was kicking her out.

I was shocked. Her face was all red and bruised. I assumed there were bruises on the rest of her body as well. Her nose bleeding. Tears steaming down her face.

Max and I made eye contact for a split second before she passed out. I immediately ran to her and caught her as Steve ran to Neil and puched him so hard he almost fell on the ground. "Don't you dare touch her again!!" Steve yelled. "Who the hell are you!!" Neil angrily yelled glaring at Steve with rage. "Who the hell are you??" Steve challenged him. "I'm her step dad!!" Neil yelled. "Is this how you treat your step-daughter?" Steve yelled pointing at max who was still unconscious in my arms.

"She is not anymore!! She's a disgusting little dyke!!!" he yelled loudly. I noticed Robin crying at the scene down next to me as we both tried to wake max up.

Eventually max's mom woke up as well. She fainted as well. She looked at the scene with horrified eyes. She tried to push Neil but he slapped her. Steve punched Neil again. Her mom got up again and walked over at us as soon as she saw max

"max please get up" I kept repeating, a crying mess. "Neil get out of here!!!" her mom yelled. He laughed. "are you seriously kicking me out??" he asked. "yes!!" max's mom yelled. "No, she's leaving, she's a fucking dyke do you realise that Susan!?" he yelled. "Yes I do, and I don't give a shit! Look what you've done to her!! You hurt my daughter" she yelled. "I'm not going anywhere" he yelled back.

"Mrs, mayfield! Let's go at my house" Steve said. She stared at him in confusion. She doesn't even know him. "but-" she said. "I know we don't know each other but your husband is mad dangerous and we need to get out now before you or max gets more hurt, look at her!" Steve loudly said pointing at max, who was still unconscious in my arms.

She paused for a second. We didn't have a choice. She stood up and got out of the room to get her car keys as Neil tried to grab yer hut steve punched Neil first.

He angrily looked at Steve and pushed him against wall about to punch him but Robin kicked him in the stomach as he groaned in pain. Steve thanked Robin and max's mom yelled at us to come from downstairs as we ran downstairs. "Fine go with that dyke!! It's your choice Susan!" we heard Neil yelling from upstairs.

1421 words. To be continued....

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