Chapter 94: Get Away From Her

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Nancy's pov

I woke up the next day. I had work. I rubbed my eyes. The events from the previous day came back into my mind. I wish it was all a dream. I wish none of this happened

I got up, brushed my teeth and hair and got changed. Words can't explain how much I didn't want to go to work. Not just work, anything. I just wanted to lay in bed.

I felt so unmotivated, tired without even doing anything yet. However I unfortunately had to get to work. I work for the school newspaper.


It's been a few hours, I couldn't stop thinking about Robin. I knew she was probably at work so I didn't want to bother her. But i wanted to see her. I needed her by my side.

After about half an hour I couldn't help it. I decided to call her. I called the place she works. I've waited a few seconds but no one answered. I began to feel worried. Just as I was about to hang out, to give up someone picked it up. I heard Steve's voice.

I was disappointed. "hello?" Steve said. "Hey Steve! It's Nancy" I said. "oh! Hey Nancy, what's up" he asked. "um.. I was wondering if I could speak to Robin" I said. There was silence. I frowned.

"Steve, are you th-" I said. "Oh uh.. She's busy right now" Steve said. "Okay.. Could you tell her to call me later?" I asked. There was silence again which I made me more worried.

"You know it's a really busy day today so I'm not sure.. I'll tell her to call you" Steve said. I could sense that he was lying. Steve is a terrible liar. "it's Wednesday.." I said.

They're mostly not busy on the weekends when kids go or in the afternoon

"I don't know some kids came and they've been asking and looking at games for half an hour, it's getting annoying to be honest" Steve said.

"aren't they at school?" I asked playing along with Steve's lie. "Uh that's what I asked them. They said they've skipped a period because a teacher is didn't come or something" Steve said.

"Yeah.. Okay then.. Thanks" I said then we told each other goodbye and hung up.

I put the phone back and just stared at it. I felt pain. How was she so busy? Was she so busy that she couldn't talk for a minute? It was definitely a lie.

But why would he lie? Did Robin not want to talk to me? What have I done? Is she mad about my dad? I don't understand

My thoughts were cut off when a colleague rapped my arm. I looked at him. "you okay?" he asked. I nodded faking a smile. "Alright then, come on, I need help with.." he said then started showing me what he needed help with

Robin's pov

I heard the whole conversation Steve had with Nancy. Well only Steve's voice. My heart hurt so much when we had to lie to her. The reason we lied to her is because her dad told me not to talk to her again..

*flashback, a few hours before*

Robin's pov

Steve and I were at work. I stayed up all night thinking about everything that just happened. I was worried about Nancy. I knew how strict her dad is.

Only few costumers walked in. Kids were at school so we weren't so busy. Suddenly someone walks in.. A familiar face. It was Nancy's dad. Oh no.. Why was he here? That is a stupid question, you obviously know why robin..

Steve looked at me worriedly. I've told him everything since he already knew about Nancy and I. I wasn't planning on telling him right away but he immediately noticed my mood changed.

And then I told him. Ted walked toward us. He seemed mad. "Oh um hello sir, how can I help you?" Steve said playing it cool. "I'm here to talk with her" ted said.

"I'm afraid we're busy Sir" Steve said. "Wait.. I know you" ted said ignoring Steve. "You're Nancy's ex arent you" he asked. Steve nodded awkwardly. Ted scoffed for some reason

"I see, she's such a slut.." I heard ted mumbling under his breath. "What did you say?" I asked. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Disgusting Dyke. She's been with this guy and now with you? Do you really think she likes you" he said laughing at the end.

"That doesn't mean she's a slut though-" Steve said getting mad. "Shut up, I'm not talking to you" ted said. "Okay so.. Here's what's gonna happen. My daughter thinks she likes you or something, that's disgusting, stupid and unnatural. Stay away from my daughter" Ted said.

"Why?" I asked. I tried to act confident even though my heart was beating fast. "because you're affecting my daughter making her think she's just like you" he said

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