Chapter 44: Robin's News

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Max's pov

"alright-I've got great news!!" Robin said excitedly. "is it something between you and max, I can leave if you want-" el innocently said. "no it's alright" Robin said smiling. "so??" I asked. "Soooo Nancy and I... kissed" Robin said. El and I both gasped loud.

"WHAT?!" we loudly said. "shh" Robin said. "actually??" I asked. She nodded smiling. "who made the first move?" el asked. "I did" Robin said. "she told me she likes both.. She said that she did love Jonathan but that she now feels differently.

She said she likes a girl, I asked her. She found it really hard though, she asked me to go over at her place but I recommended to go to mine instead so we did. She told me that she likes me.. And I kissed her" Robin quickly said. She talks fast when she's excited or nervous.

"oh my god! I can't believe you actually did it!! Congrats Robin" I said smiling. "thanks I can't believe it either. It feels like a dream, what if I'm dreaming right now?" Robin said. "do you want me to pinch you?" el joked.

"kind of?" Robin said. El shrugged and went to picnh her but Robin backed up. "woah I was joking" Robin said as el giggled. I pinched Robin without her noticing. "ow!" Robin groaned. "see, you're not dreaming. All of this is real, you kissed your crush, your crush likes you back" I said smiling.

"oh my god, I feel so happy right now. I can't explain the feeling-" Robin said in disbelief. "millions of butterflies in your stomach? Sparks all over you? Feeling like your heart is about to explode from happiness?" I asked. Robin nodded.

"how did you know? That's exactly how I felt" Robin said. "cause that's how I felt when I first kissed el" I said looking at el. She smiled and her face softened. She also blushed. It was true

Robin looked at both of us. "aww that's so adorable" Robin said. "my little gays" Robin said. I threw a random pillow Dustin bought me at her. She groaned. "it wasn't even painful stop playing" I said laughing.

She looked at me seriously. "but it was" she said acting sad. "maxine apologise!" el joked. "fine, I'm sorry Robin who is in love with her friend-" I said but she threw it back at me harshly.

El gasped. "Okay, that sounded like it hurt, are you okay max?" el asked. "holy shit, it did not gonna lie. Are you alright little red" Robin asked laughing. I glared at her playfully. "yeah I guess" I said.

"oh by the way, Steve walked in on us" Robin said laughing. My eyes widened. "walked in on you doing what-" I asked. Robin gasped. "not that you little dirty mind shit!!!" Robin said. I laughed. "oh whoops" I said laughing. "I meant Steve walked in as we were kissing, jeez max" Robin said.

El looked at both of us confused. "what does it mean I don't get it" en innocently said. Robin and I looked at each other in fear. "oh no one told you.. Poor child-" Robin said but I slapped her hand. "ow! What's up with you hitting me today!" Robin complained holding her hand in pain.

"told me what?" el asked even more confused. "N-nothing, it's nothing" I said nervously. El frowned. "is it something bad? Why does no one tell me? I'm not a baby" el said annoyed. I felt bad but she's too innocent to know. We feel bad so apparently not even hopper told her yet.

"It's just a joke love, you don't have to know. It's not something bad, about you or anything" I stuttered. Robin looked at me. I widened my eyes at her like 'help or something'.

"what joke, come on max, you keep doing that, especially when the boys make those jokes you said" el said getting mad at me for not telling her. I feel bad but.. How am I supposed to explain those sexual jokes to her?

"uhh, its a sexual joke" Robin said. El looked away confused for a few seconds. "oh.. That thing they told us in biology-" el said. I forgot they did but she doesn't know much fortunately. "yeah, yeah-that" I said clearing my throat. I don't know why I got nervous. But Robin laughed at me and I wanted to rip her head off so she stops mocking me.

I glared at Robin to stop. She did fortunately. "oh.. Okay" el said clearly still confused. "anyways, Steve is okay with us dating fortunately so that's something. We didn't make anything official though so I wouldn't really call it dating" Robin said.

"well you should definitely ask her to be your girlfriend" I said smirking. "I don't know if she wants to date me. What if she's just confused? She said 'I think I like a girl' something like that. So I don't know max, it's not simple. Plus she doesn't want to come out yet, i didn't come out either but what if she doesn't want to date me-"robin said fast again.

"okay first of all, slow down and calm down, second of all, she's definitely going to say yes! She literally told you herself that she likes you, you should be jumping from happiness instead of worrying about.. Nothing! Even if she says no which she for sure will say yes, it's her loss if she does"i said.

"yeah.. Okay I'll try" Robin said sighing. She was nervous. I get how she feels but I have to encourage her.

943 words. To be continued!!

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