Chapter 91: Ronance

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Robin's pov

Steve and I sat on the couch watching a movie. We've just gotten back from work. We were both exhausted. Steve was eating chips. It was getting annoying because he was chewing loud

"could you eat normally please?" I asked surprisingly camlmy. He stopped eating, looked at me frowning. "What do you mean?" he asked, his mouth full. "You're chewing too loud" I said. He rolled his eyes.

We then continued watching the movie. He was chewing quieter finally but then started a few minutes later. I threw a pillow at him. "oh come on Robin! You made me spill the chips!" he said annoyed.

"It's just a few dingus relax, it's not a big deal" I said laughing. He then continued eating. So did I. I suddenly felt eyes on me. I noticed Steve staring at me. I frowned and raised an eyebrow

"Hello?" I asked. "Can I have some?" he asked pointing at my chips. I looked at his bowl, it was empty. He must have eaten it all. I rolled my eyes as I pured some chips in his bowl

He smiled. "You know you're gonna gain weight by eat-" he said but I cut him off by smacking him with the pillow again. It was his way to ask for more food basically.

He groaned in pain dramatically. "Oh my god stop it Steve. Just ask if you want them jeez. Plus, you're the one who brings snacks. You're a bad influence" I said. "bad influence?! Me?!" he gasped dramatically.

I laughed. So did he. He might be annoying but I really enjoy his company. He's my best friend. He's always there for me whenever I need him and I appreciate it that a lot.

After about 10 minutes the phone rang. Steve and I looked at each other. "you go this time" Steve said. I rolled my eyes. We're both lazy when it comes to pick up the phone or get the door when someone comes.

I stood up and picked up the phone. "yeah?" I asked. "Hey! Robin is that you?" I heard a voice that I recognised immediately. It was Nancy. I smiled to myself

"yeah! It's me, hey nance" i said blushing already. "I was wondering if you would like to come over?" Nancy asked. "When? Now?" I asked. "Yeah, if you want to, it's a bit late-" she said quickly but I cut her off

"Yeah sure! I would love to" I said trying to hide my excitement. "Great! Uhh see you at like 20:00?" Nancy asked. "Yeah, sure" I said checking the clock on the wall. It was 19:15."Alright bye! See you!" Nancy said. "see you!" I replied. I wouldn't stop smiling.

I was slowly putting the phone back, still smiling. I was lost in my thoughts happy that Nancy invited me over in the last minute. Suddenly I heard Steve laughing. I looked up quickly and frowned.

"may I know why are you laughing?" I asked. He smirked. "oh come on, you're not dumb" he said. I was still confused. But then I realised. "Oh it was Nancy" I said playing it cool

He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah obviously I've heard and figured" he said ironically. "Okay.. So? What's the problem I've gotta go get ready-" I said.

"Okay.. Just admit you like her" he randomly said interrupting me. "What?" I asked quickly. I'm so bad at lying. "Okay you cannot deny it anymore Robin. You've been smiling and blushing non-stop during that whole phone call its obvious" he said.

"You looked like a crazy fan girl that has got a crush in like elementary school or something" he said laughing to tease me. I didn't know what to do so I laughed slightly along. "Okay.. I do like her" I admitted.

"What?! No way!" he gasped dramatically acting like he didn't know. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Is that okay?" I asked nervously. "Yeah? Why wouldn't it be?" he asked frowning

"Because Nancy is your ex" I said. "I've gotten over her it's alright" he said with a smile. "I mean it's obvious that it would be either Jonathan or you. Our relationship was in the past, we've both chanted" Steve said

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