Chapter 34: A Gift From Will

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Max's pov

The boys were talking to each other while I was talking to el. "you know Billy can take us there-" I said to el but I got interrupted by will. "hey max, sorry to interrupt" he kindly said.

I smiled. "it's okay will, what is it?" I asked. "I've been meaning to give you something" he said smiling. I frowned. He leaned down to get something from his bag.

He pulled out some comics. My eyes widened in surprise. "are those wonder woman comics?!" I asked excitedly. "yeah!" he said smiling. "here" he said handing them to me.

My face softened. "w-what? For me?" I asked. Will brings my soft side aside from el. "yeah of course! They're brand new in the store so-when I saw them, I've thought of you and wanted to give them to you when you would um.. wake up" he said smiling.

I smiled. "will... That's so sweet,thank you, you didn't have to" I said smiling like an idiot. "of course, no problem" he said smiling. "you also didn't have to buy bunch of magazines for a half alive person who was in coma-" I joked as el hit my arm.

It didn't hurt much but I pretended to get hurt. I always do that for fun. "babe! Stop making jokes about you almost dying, we were so stressed out I felt like my heart from rip off my chest" el said sort of mad.

I giggled. "Okay babe, I'm sorry. I'm just joking, you know me" I said smiling at her trying to convince her to forgive me. She sighed and smiled. She can't stay mad at me can she?

"yes, I know you very well maxine mayfield so please stop" she said. I giggled. "max stop laughing like a kid it's not funny" will said laughing. I stopped immediately and looked at him confused

"but you're laughing too?" I said raising my eyebrow. "I'm laughing because of your stupidness" he said. I dramatically gasped. "how dare you Byers?!" I joked as el and will giggled.

"did you just call my girlfriend stupid?" el said giggling. I blushed at her sentence. I'm El's hopper girlfriend.. What a beautiful sentence. I'm so happy right now you can't imagine

"no no I didn't" will defensively said. We both laughed. "good" el said. The boys looked at us confused on why we're laughing like idiots but continued talking with each other.

"woah, but why so many? 5?"i asked as I looked at the magazines. "they're collectable! I know wonder woman comics are your favourite!" will said smiling. "thank you so much will" I said opening my arms signaling him to hug me.

I wish I could at least stand up to hug my friends and girlfriend properly. I could stand up but it would be hard so the doctor told me not to so far. Only for emergency purposes. Such as, going to the bathroom and stuff.

By the help of my mom, Billy and el of course. "I love you max" he quietly said hugging me. "I love you too Byers" I said smiling. We then pulled away.

"I love them, they look so cool!" I said going through the pages a little. "I'm sure you'll love them!" will said smiling. I looked at el, who was already looking at me with a warm smile. God I love her..

"I can't wait to read them! Wanna read them tonight el? Together? Like we always do?!" I asked excited by the possibilities as I grabbed her hands shaking them excitedly like a kid. El's eyes light up slightly. "oh my god of course! I would I love to" she said giggling matching my energy.

"you two are so cute I'm gonna cry" Dustin suddenly said smiling. "weren't you talking with lucas?" I said raising my eyebrow. "I was but you two got my attention, that's adorable" Dustin said smiling.

"I agree" will said smiling. Mike and lucas nodded in agreement smiling. Mike was alright now fortunately. El told me that he apologised after. When he was being a jerk to her.

"I'll go buy water, who else wants?" el asked standing up. Eveyone except lucas and Mike raised their hands. I didn't.

El's pov

I walked out of the room to get water. Something suspicious caught my eye. The older teens were sitting outside max's hospital room. I noticed Nancy and Robin holding hands. Both of their faces were red. Oh my god.

Nancy noticed me looking at them and dropped her hand. I smiled as I quickly made my way to the stairs to go to the cantine. I avoid elevators. I don't know why. I'm just scared of them I guess..

Max's pov

"I'm so happy for you max" will told me smiling as lucas, Dustin and Mike were busy arguing about something once again. Like always..

I smiled. "so am I" I said smiling. His smilimg faded away as his face turned red from rear. I giggled. "what do you mean?" he nervously asked.

"oh come on will, first of all,i know you're in love with Mike, from the start I met you and second of all. There's definitely something going on between you two since Mike and el broke up, but now it's becoming more visible when I woke up"

I said smirking whispering so the others don't hear us. He gulped nervously. "oh-I-um" he stuttered. "it's okay will, I'm totally fine with it. If you didn't notice I am gay so why are you so nervous" I asked

"I don't know.. It just is.." he said looking a bit calmer now which was good. "i feel you but trust me, I don't mind at all" I said smiling. He smiled back. "soo? There is something going on, like for real?" I asked.

He nodded smiling and blushing hard. I gasped excitedly catching the boys attention. "oh um.. this comic looks soo good! It's so exciting" I said. They all looked away. I sighed relieved. I didn't want to tell the truth on why I gasped.

Will and I giggled. "that was a close one mayfield" he whispered. "I'm sorry.. I couldn't help it, that's such great news! I'm so happy for you!!" I whispered smiling.

He smiled back widely. Then el came back with water bottles. She handed us the bottles as she sat back down next to me smiling. Both will and I looked at each other confused on why she's smiling.

"el why do you look so hap-" will asked but el cut him off. "you wouldn't believe this!" el excited quietly said. "what is it?" both will and I said in sync. "I walked outside to go to the canine-and caught Nancy and Robin holding hands!" el quietly said to me and will.

Our eyes widened. "what?!" we both loudly said catching the bots attention again. "what is going on guys? You've been gasping and stuff for the past 5 minutes or so" Dustin said annoyed but extremely confused.

"it's nothing Dustin, we're just talking about the comics" I said. "God you're so obsessed with those wonder woman comics" lucas said. "excuse me?! They're pretty dope compared to other comics you read" I said.

"whatever" lucas and Mike said rolling their eyes as the looked away from us. The three of us looked at each other and laughed. "I am soo making fun of Robin when I see her" I said laughing.

1253 words. To be continued!!

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