Chapter 84: The Party Talk

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Max's pov

El and I were skill sleeping until we heard a noise. I opened my eyes and noticed the boys. They just bursted in. El opened her eyes as well.

"What's going on? Why did you burst in like that?" I asked sitll a bit sleepy. El got off me and sat crossed-legs on the bed.

"Are you okay el? You disappeared at the school play and we got worried. The news are everywhere-" Mike said quickly.

"Wait-What? What are you talking about, does everyone know?" I asked. "Okay hold on, because I'm so confused.. Could we go from the start?" lucas asked. We nodded.

They all sat somewhere in the room. "Okay el, hopper told us that justin hurt you and almost raped you" lucas said. El nodded. "And that Justin will go to a juvenile detention centre-" lucas added but we cut him off.

"WHAT?!" el and I loudly said at the same time in shock. The boys looked at each other confused. "What? You guys didn't know?" will asked. "No? We thought he would get a 5 day detention at school, not go to a freaking juvenile detention centre" I said still shocked.

"When did that happen?" el asked. "Uhh like 2 hours ago or something I don't know, we just came here and hopper told us" Mike said.

"What? Hopper didn't tell us anything" el said. "Have you been sleeping?" mike asked us. "Yeah obviously, you've seen us" I said. "that's probably why, he probably didn't want to wake you up" will said.

We nodded. There was no reason to he mad at hopper. He just wanted us to rest and would probably tell us after we woke up. "Can you show us?" Dustin softly asked el.

"Show you what?" el asked. I could tell she knew exactly what he meant. "Your bruises.." Dustin said ashamed of the question. "you don't have to-" Dustin quickly said feeling bad.

"It's fine.. They've made me show them at the principal and more people, why wouldn't I show my friends I guess" el said tiredly.

El lifted up her sweatshirt and shirt revealing the bruises again. All of them looked at them in horror and gasped slightly.

El put her shirt back down embarrassed. "Oh my god.." will quietly said covering his mouth in disbelief. There were tears in his eyes

El must have noticed because she started tearing up slightly from the sight of her step brother. "will.. don't cry its okay, I'm fine, now I'm fine" el said putting her hand on his shoulder.

Will quickly hugged el. She flinched at first. Will quickly pulled away as soon as she flinched. "I'm so sorry-" will said feeling bad. "No it's okay..i need to get used to it, I know you won't hurt me, I seriously don't have anything with you guys-" el said.

"It's fine el, we understand.." the boys said smiling slightly. El smiled back. El leaned in and hugged will. El gently wiped Will's tears away. They really care about each other so much, it's so sweet.

"What do people at school know?" el asked. "Uhh everyone kept asking where you guys were same with Justin. We told them that we didn't know because we literally didn't know at that time, after a few minutes Justin's friends walked back into the class after the school play, we tried to tell teacher to come check on you but she wouldn't let us, so Justin's friends told us the news" Mike explained

"So they know it was me.." el quietly said. They nodded. I grabbed her hand. "It's okay.. They're on your side" lucas said. "they are? That's impossible, they're definitely gonna make fun of me" el said.

"We won't let that happen, everyone was shocked and started cursing Justin. Even his friends were shocked and in disbelief" Mike said. "Are you gonna come to school tomorrow or?" Dustin asked el.

"yeah" el answered. "Are you sure?" will asked. "yes I'm sure, I'm fine, I don't wanna be dramatic I'm totally fine, I'll get over it its fine" el said. "It's okay if you're not ready-" lucas tried.

"Guys, I know.. I know that he didn't rape me but it was still scary, I'm aware of that but.. I'll try to come to school" el said. "Okay.." everyone said slightly smiling. Then we chatted and watched some TV for a couple of hours. Then we all headed home.

745 words. To be continued!
Hi! Sorry this is so short😭

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