Chapter 46: Byler

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Will's pov

"w-what do you mean?" I asked slightly scared but tried to hide it, I failed miserably. "it's obvious you two are dating, if not dating then you for sure have feelings for each other" max said. My heart was beating fast for some reason.

I looked at Mike. We were both speechless. Max raised her eyebrow. "Okay.. I don't get why you're both so scared right now, I'm literally gay?" she said chuckling

She stopped laughing since we didn't laugh with her. "What's wrong?" she asked. "I-we're scared that el will find out" I admitted. She frowned.

"why? I'm sure she'll be okay with it" max said confused. "I don't know max.. Mike is her ex boyfriend" I said. "It doesn't matter! El is with max! I've told you so many times will, we have to tell her eventually" Mike said

I sighed. "I know-" I said but trailed off as soon as el walked into the room. We all stopped talking making her frown. "tell who what?" she asked sitting down. No one said anything.

She raised her eyebrow. "is it a secret?" she repeated confused. Max nudged my shoulder. "oh um.. El, we have to tell you something" I said. My heart was beating fast for some reason. She sat down as she had a confused expression on her face

"um-" I started but trailed off trying to find a way to say it. "Will and I are together" Mike suddenly said interrupting me surprisingly. "oh cool" she said making us all confused. Even max

" 'oh cool'? What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I mean, I can sense it, that you two are together" el said. "y-you did?" I asked. She nodded. "it's kind of obvious, like lately" she said.

"I think we all knew you were gay will in general" max said. I frowned. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing. "What?" I asked. They nodded. "Oh" I said. "I wasn't expecting Mike to be honest" el said.

"I guess, I like both genders" Mike shrugged. El nodded. "so you're like.. Okay with it? Mike and I together?" I asked. I started to get calmer after.

"Yeah? Why would I be?" she asked. "Because Mike is your ex el" I said. "So? I don't mind, I'm with max now and I don't mind at all. I'm happy for you" el said. I smiled. So did the others. I sighed relieved. "oh.. Okay thank you" I said.

Max's pov

Will and Mike just told el that they're together. She said she doesn't mind so that's good. I personally, was scared that she would mind because I would think she minds because she may have still feelings for Mike. But she doesn't fortunately.

El went over and hugged them. I got a tiny bit jealous when Mike hugged her I have to admit. It's selfish and stupid of me but I can't help it. Just a little jealous, I know that they're not having feelings for each other anymore so yeah.

We all chatted for a little until Will's mom and Mike's arrived to pick them up. El was sitting on the chair watching something on the small tv the hospital room had.

I wanted to get something from the bag across the room. I did stand up a few times by some help since it still hurts but I'm getting better. That's why the doctor let me leave tomorrow.

Usually someone helps me but I didn't want to bother el since she was watching tv and chilling sitting on the chair. I carefully and slowly tried to stand up. I could do it just not normally. A little bit slower so it won't hurt much

El noticed and immediately stood up and walked over to me. "Wait-let me help you" she said grabbing me by my weist as I wrapped my arm around her neck. "I can do it thank you babe" I said.

"I'm okay you don't have to bother" I said smiling once I managed to stand up. "you're never bothering me" she said smiling softly. I appreciated her a lot. "I feel like a burden" I said laughing as a joke

She frowned. "don't say that! You're not a burden! You're my girlfriend and I care about you and I love you" she said slightly sternly. "Okay sorry.. Mom" I mockedslightly laughing at her.

She gave me a glare but I noticed her struggling not to laugh. I smirked and giggled. "you can't stay serious can you" I joked. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "alright.. What did you want?" she asked still having her arm wrapped around my wrist in case I fall or struggle to balance

"Uh I want my Sony Walkman" I said walking towards the bag. "hey, slowly, the doctor said to be careful" el said following me, she also didn't let go of my arm. I find it cute. "el baby, I'm okay, you can let go of me I won't fall or something" I said giggling at her actions

She really is acting like a mom. She giggled. "I'm just making sure you're okay" she said. I smiled and felt my cheeks go red. She noticed and pinched my cheek gently making me smile

"thank you.." I quietly said. "for what?" she asked. "for helping me" I said. She smiled. "of course" she said smiling. "no, not just for helping but in general.. Literally you being here means everything to me" I said. She blushed and smiled

"I'll always be here" she whispered. "So will I" I whispered back. I stared at her lips, I looked back up at her eyes. I noticed her doing the same so I leaned in and connected our lips

Her kissing me is just.. amazing, like I'm healed. It sounds stupid I know. I feel sparks and butterflies and I love this feeling. We eventually pulled away.

I walked over to the bag. She must have listened to me because as soon as we pulled away from the kiss, she let go of my arm and let me walk by myself since that's what I wanted. She's so sweet

But she still stood right next to me following me in case something happens. She's respectful too. I walked slowly since that's what the doctor including el told me to. I didn't like the fact that I couldn't even stand up the first few days, I now can but only if I'm careful and slow.

I took the Walkman and walked back to the bed. I layed down. Another thing I love doing is listening to music. I love music a lot. It makes me feel amazing. It relaxes me too. I looked over at el who walked around the bed, going to the other side of it so she can sit back down on the chair next to my bed.

"el?" I said before putting my headphones on. "yeah?" she said. I opened my arms for her. She giggled. "wanna cuddle?" I asked softly smiling. "your mom is going to kill us" she said giggling. "oh come on why do we still listen to her, I'm totally fine you won't crush me" I said

"it's best we be careful" el said. I rolled my eyes. "please" I said giving her puppy eyes. I knew she would fall for it for some reason. She does that too and it makes me fold and feel butterflies in my stomach

She hesitated as usual. "Okay.. Fine" she said smiling. I smiled widely happy. She carefully sat and layed down next to me on the bed. "here, lay on me" el said. I was confused at first because I thought she would lay on me and curdle. But I then got the point. She didn't want to crush me

I nodded as she opened her arms. I wrapped my arms around her weist and rested my head on her chest and she had her arms around me cuddling me. We then both fell asleep.

Max's mom pov

I went to the store to get some things we needed for tomorrow when we go back home. When I got back to the room I saw el and max cuddling. I told them not to cuddle since its sort of dangerous. Not dangerous, I don't want to sound dramatic but just be careful.

The scene was cute so I didn't mind. El had her arms around her gently. So I let it happen. They were both asleep so I for sure didn't want to wake them up.

1436 words. To be continued!!
Hello!! It's been a few days I apologise..

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