Chapter 53: Back To School

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Max's pov

It was Monday morning. It was my first time going back to school after being in the hospital. I must admit, I was a bit nervous. Because I would go back and they would ask questions all the time.

When my classmates asked what happened to me and why I ended up in the hospital the boys told them the truth except the gay part. The boys said they lied that Neil caught me smoking, got mad and beat me up. And shot me.

I mean it's a weird excuse but what else would we tell? Smoking is kind of a serious reason a parent could be quite mad at. But in my case, he was abusive anyway so that's why it was so much worse.

I wore black sweatpants since I can't wear jeans. And a casual hoodie. I brushed my hair and teeth and I we finally able to go.

*at school*

El, the boys and I decided to go to school like 10 minutes earlier before the bell rings. Fortunately they were there before and waited for me. "Hey!" they all said. El's eyes lighted up when she saw me and smiled. She ran going for a hug.

"hey! Are you okay?" she asked after pulling away. I nodded. I think she could tell I was a little bit nervous to be honest. "are you actually okay baby" she quietly said leaning closer to me.

"yeah, I'm just a bit nervous I don't know why" I said. She grabbed my hand. I looked around automatically. Shit. I knew that hurt her. She dropped it as soon as she saw my reaction.

I felt bad. I'm such an idiot. She grabbed my hand to comfort me once she saw me slightly nervous and I looked around in fear of people seeing it. I looked at her, she was looking down kind of embarrassed

"I'm sorry-" we both said at the same time. We then made eye contact. "I didn't mean to-" I said but she cut me off. "It's fine, I hadn't thought before doing it and it was my mistake, let's just go" she said.

"El don't apologise, i knew you didn't mean to and I shouldn't have reacted like that" I said looking at her eyes seriously. She smiled. "Okay" she said to reassure me. I smiled back.

We then walked back to the others. They asked how I was and stuff. Then the bell rang. We had science on the first period.

El and I sat next to each other as usual. "Max is back!" someone said noticing me. They all said hi and stuff. I've said hi back. I don't really talk to anyone so I'm surprised they even noticed I'm here. I don't care anyway

I wish they hadn't noticed. Then the teacher walked in. It was Mr. Clark fortunately. "maxine!! You're back, how are you feeling?" Mr. Clark asked smiling. "I'm good, how are you" I asked to be polite. "I'm okay" he said. I knew she wanted to ask more but fortunately he didn't. Well, until someone else did.

"Weren't you at the hospital?" a boy asked. I nodded. "Why" some other people asked. "you already know why, now let's go start the class-" Mr. Clark tried to change the subject but it didn't work. "honesty your dad is quite crazy to shoot you in the stomach for just smoking" someone said. Yeah no shit. It's not true though

"Well I guess he did" I said back. What did they expect me to say to that? I honestly had no clue. "Have you been smoking weed or-" a boy asked. "Enough!" Mr. Clark said. I was glad Mr Clark kept interrupting but it didn't work. "Or vape?" a boy finished.

"it's none of your business" I said. They laughed. "It was a cigarette, there you go" I said annoyed. "Why do i feel like she's lying" a girl said. My heart started beating fast for some reason. Those words brought me back memories and I wanted to shove them away immediately.

The fear I felt as soon as Neil caught us kissing, the moment I knew I was dead.. Like literally. The panic I had when el was there too in danger. Because I knew what he was capable of. Then the pain I felt when he beat me up constantly.

And then when he shot me. Then in coma..etc. I didn't realise I zoned out until el shook my arm gently. I looked at her. "can we just not talk about it" I said slightly with a shaky voice. Why am I so weak. Why did I feel so nervous and uncomfortable by all those questions

"we're just curious-" a girl said. "Well, it's none of your business. She's clearly feeling uncomfortable" Dustin interrupted calmy. He didn't sound mean but was serious.

"Enough! It doesn't matter what maxine did, what matters is they she's okay now" Mr. Clark said. I sighed. They all stopped finally. I noticed el looking at me. I smiled nervously trying to convince her that I was okay even though i had a mini anxiety attack.

She smiled back. "you okay?" she mouthed. I nodded. "Okay, so, max and el. I will do a quick revision to what we've done in class when you were gone" Mr. Clark said. We nodded, not really having a choice.

"Why was el gone too? Did he hurt her too?" someone asked as Mr. Clark was about to write something on the board. Here we go again.. "No, I just wanted to be there for my best friend" el said annoyed but shyly

"Kids! This is the last time you will interrupt me, leave the girls alone" Mr. Clark my savior said. No one else said anything and stopped talking.

The bell rang again. It was second period. We had chemistry. We went to the chemistry laboratory class. El and I were sitting on a table just us and a random girl. We were separated in small groups.

After a while I noticed nick staring at me. I tried to ingroe him but he wouldn't stop staring. I think el noticed too but didn't say anything about it. I looked at him and he smiled. I didn't know what to do so I just looked away. Was I supposed to smile so I don't seem like a bitch or not? Too late now.

He kept looking and looking until I couldn't do it anymore. I wrote something on a small piece of paper to pass it to him. El looked at me. I showed her the note

1110 words. To be continued!!

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