Prologue ⁠♡

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" we should leave now Taehyungie " it was Kim Namjoon, Taehyung's manager who was looking at him getting ready to go to the photo shoot.

Kim Taehyung, a 24-year-old male, is a world famous model who represents many luxurious brands such as Louis Vuitton, Celine and Gucci and is known as the world's most expensive brand ambassador.

Taehyung was different from all the others. He was VERY handsome and he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He had deep black silky hair and he was fair with milky white skin. His unfathomable, black eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face

Taehyung's eyes were as deep and expressive, where you could get lost if you stared long enough. His face had that faraway look in it, which cannot be described in words. His boxy smile was capable of getting others under his spell .

He had a well proportioned body which was not much muscular. He modeled not only for masculine wear but also feminine ones making him a model who was respected for his open mindset about sexualities.

Not only that he was a world class actor who starred in many box office scored movies and dramas. He was a versatile character who was able to do almost anything

He was the younger son of the most wealthiest family of south Korea so people used to say that he was born with a silver spoon. But Taehyung was a self made artist who got successful in his career just because of his hardwork and sincerity that he had towards what he did. So it was natural for him to hate it when people say that he is famous just because of his family's money.

But he was an introvert, who didn't like to associate with strangers much but always had to because of his career. Taehyung didn't trust others easily and he didn't have many friends. He was often rude to others but was always soft when he is with people who are closer to his heart. But Taehyung always loved Interacting with his fans.

Kim Namjoon was his manager and one of his most trusted people. He trusted namjoon with all his heart because he knew that the elder wanted nothing but the best for him.

At that moment, namjoon was sitting on the couch of Taehyung's apartment waiting until the younger comes so that he can drive him to the set.

" Coming hyung " taehyung replied hearing Namjoon calling him. He was done getting ready so he looked at his reflection once more from the mirror and walked out of his room grabbing his Louis Vuitton bag.

Taehyung was wearing a black t-shirt and black trousers. He looked as handsome as always. He didn't try to wear anything fancy because he will be dressed up again for the shoot after sometime.

" Let's go hyung " the younger said looking at Namjoon who smiled at him warmly.

" Do I have any other schedule after this hyung? " Taehyung asked and Namjoon shook his head.

" Nope. Your evening is free Tae " he said and taehyung nodded gladly because he wanted to go out for a walk with his dog, Yeontan.

Taehyung and Namjoon left his house closing the door behind them. Namjoon didn't have a driver's license therefore Mr. Lee was the one who always drove Taehyung's company vehicle. So he was like the official driver of the younger.

" We will be there in 20 minutes " namjoon said when Mr. Lee started to drive.

" Hyung ask someone to bring my car to the set. I have to go somewhere after the shoot " the younger said and namjoon agreed.

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