1- Time to Collect

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"Just a little bit longer, Y/N!" His voice was foggy, you could barely put one foot in front of another as you hobbled through the dense forest. It hurt to breathe, both from running and the injury on your side. The long jagged gashes were soaking you in blood and the loss of blood was making you feel dizzy, nauseous, and claustrophobic. You would have pushed his hot body away if it wasn't for the fact that you couldn't make it on your own and didn't want to surrender to them just yet.

The thick sounds of howls and crashing through the undergrowth were quickly gaining on the pair of you. There was no way you could heal fast enough, no way you could outrun them.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Where are you Jungkook?" Jimin cursed as he scooped you up and began running, you yelped as he gripped the wounds on your side, holding you close to him. You didn't know who Jungkook was, you really didn't know anything about Jimin besides his name.

Jimin, your acquaintance and mate of less than a day, was risking his life to save you. He was injured himself and you weren't sure how he had the energy or strength to carry you like this. This was all your fault, all because you wanted a better life. Now Jimin's life would end today, but yours wouldn't, it would drag out forever and ever until your captors decided to end your misery.

Meeting Jimin had been chance. You had been on the run for nearly three days. He offered you a meal and claimed to be your mate. The only thought in your head, swirling like a sucking whirlpool was to hide, make it out alive. If you believed in the Moon Goddess, you might have thought that what happened next was predestined. You were on your heat and that was probably what prompted Jimin to ask you to mate.

He was gentle and you thought you would be safe, you thought his scent would cover yours, you mated him to help yourself hide, but they found you anyway. You would rather die than go back. You placed your hand to your side and it glowed as you began to force the healing to happen faster. Your fatigue made your progress slow.

Jimin stumbled and the two of you went flying. You had no strength to try and stop your tumbling, you just let it happen. You felt stones and twigs grab at your skin, but you couldn't even bother to whimper. What were a few more scratches and bruises at this point?

"Y/N? Y/N are you alright?" Jimin was trying to pull you into his arms so that you could flee together again. His beautiful eyes were glossy, collecting the moonlight, ready to spill the stars down his cheeks.

You had used him terribly, nothing could undo that now, but you could save him by letting him go. You wanted to be free, but you couldn't take someone else's life to do it. They would stop chasing if he left and you surrendered. Your life was over the moment you were born, but there was still hope for Jimin, this stunning creature still had a chance.

"Go Jimin, run," You croaked out, pushing yourself away from his chest. He shook his head violently, trying to help you up.

"You're my mate, I would never leave you!" His voice was anxious, but firm. You pushed him away again with what little strength you could muster.

"Please go!" His fairy-like features became hard, his gaze fierce and intimidating.

"I will not leave you!" You could hear the grunts and snarls of the pack, hear their paws striking the ground as they surged towards you and you knew it was too late. Jimin spun to his feet and within seconds he shook himself into a tawny wolf with stunning red highlights just in time to face five other large wolves.

You instantly cowered, your alphas were here to collect you and you were powerless to resist them. They slowly began to fan out with you and Jimin in the center. Jimin snarled and stood guard over you, but he was no match. His wolf was small in comparison to the hulking alphas approaching him.

You knew from experience that they were ruthless, monsters stepping straight out of nightmares. They were all dark, shaggy creatures. Their long claws hooked into the ground, just priming themselves, getting ready to dive into your flesh. Their dark aura oozed through the air, finding you, pinning you into dreadful submission. There was nothing you could do, nothing you could do to save Jimin's life.

One of your alphas came after you, while the rest went after Jimin. You had not shifted and when your alpha bit down on your shoulder and shook you, your flesh tore open, giving way to their fierce grip.

Jimin's wolf snapped at one of your alphas, then swiped at another, but he left his side open to another alpha who rushed forward, seizing Jimin's shoulder in his large jaws and shaking him violently. The sound of Jimin yelping made you sob and scream out a plea to stop. The alpha holding you shook you again and the pain made your vision blurry.

They threw Jimin's beautiful wolf into the center of their ring and began to descend on him. A vicious snarl ripped through the night, sending shivers down your spine. The sound made all five alphas pause. You could feel them then, another pack closing in behind you. You felt a glimmer of hope, for Jimin at least.

You were flung to the side as your alpha turned to defend himself. You knocked hard against a tree, your breath leaving your body and you were dully aware of the added pain. The world spun dizzily as wolves you've never seen before danced with wolves you knew all too well. The sounds around you blurred as you battled to stay conscious. You tried desperately to stay awake, but in the end, your only choice was to succumb to the blackness.

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