41- My Turn

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"Luna's home!" Jin announced as he came through the door, holding his arms out wide dramatically. Jimin came running, ducking around his outstretched arms and heading straight for Y/N. Jungkook chuckled as he went to the living room to plug in his laptop.

"This snarky little pup!" Jin reached out and flicked Jimin. He flinched, but it didn't dim his smile. Jin was so tuned into his mate's quirks that he could sense the sudden change in the room where many people would not have been able to. It wasn't just that the light in the room was brighter, giving the effect that the sun had just come out from behind a cloud, it wasn't just that. Jimin's magic gave a slightly glossy sheen to everything around him, the table, Y/N's hair, his own skin, and then a second later it was gone, as if the sun went behind a cloud again.

Jimin was swinging Y/N around happily and she clung to his neck as her laughter filled the air. This is how things should have played out that very first day Y/N woke up in the pack house. She shouldn't have had to go through so much hell to be here right now, but that is not what fate intended.

"What are you going to make for me Jinnie?" Jimin had put her back on her feet and she was looking up at him expectantly. Jinnie...

Ooo, Jinnie, be careful not to pop a boner in front of our little omega, Jimin teased with a wicked grin that he hid from her as he stood behind Y/N.

"Something delicious and you're not allowed to share with Jimin!" Jimin's grin dissolved into a worried frown.

"Wait! I didn't mean it!"

Despite his threat, he did make lunch for all of his mates that were present, along with a quick dessert to satisfy her sweet tooth. He would make something fancier later. After lunch, Jungkook volunteered to wash dishes while Jimin whisked Y/N away, snuggling with her in the beanbag tucked in the corner of the living room by one of the windows. It was one of Jimin's favorite spots, he loved to sit and nap in the sun there.

"I need to go talk with Namjoon and Yoongi," Jin said as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist. His mates tattoos were covered in tiny bubbles and he let one of his fingers draw patterns in the suds.

Are you doing better, Jinnie? Jungkook asked as he continued washing dishes. Jin kissed the skin on his neck right by the collar of his t-shirt.

I'm doing ok and you're doing such a good job taking care of me as my alpha. Jin knew that compliments like that meant a lot to the young alpha, and every word of it was true. Jin kissed his neck again and let him go.

Jungkook turned to look at him with a confused expression. You smell different.

So Jungkook could tell. He didn't want to let him linger on it, so Jin booped his nose playfully, earning a wide, shy smile for his efforts.

"I'll be back later!" Jin called out as he headed for the door. He blew a kiss to Jungkook and then looked towards the two mates on the beanbag and saw Jimin kissing Y/N.

"Yah! Jimin! Behave yourself!"

Jin wasn't sure what he was feeling as he walked through the Guardhouse to Namjoon's office. He had let his two alphas know that he was coming and they told him that they were eating lunch together in his office.

Hajoon's confirmation earlier was all the reassurance that he needed. What he needed to do now was tell his alphas and then tell Namjoon the rest of what happened with the Alpha Mother last night.

Last night? It felt like an eternity ago. Everything felt like an eternity ago, there was so much happening and he was beginning to feel overwhelmed.

He relaxed the moment he walked into Namjoon's office. Yoongi's rich oolong smell paired with Namjoon's crisp pine smell was perfect. His two alphas looked up at him, cheeks full of food and Jin couldn't help but grin. Yoongi scooted back from the table and patted his lap. Jin gladly took the spot and leaned his body into his mate.

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