22- Uri's Plan

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Jihun took his phone off the charger and called the Luna of his pack. Jihun had been reluctant to take on a Luna. He had been opposed to having a Luna for a long time, but he hated dealing with the omegas and he needed a progeny that only omegas could give him. He wasn't mated to his Luna and had no desire to be.

"Hello Alpha," She picked up quickly, just like he had taught her to.

"We've run into some unforeseen trouble, I think we're going to be here for some time," He said gruffly, not wasting any time.

"I see," Her calm, placating voice grated on his nerves, "Well, we will wait for your safe return."

Jihun rolled his eyes in disgust. He would have hung up if he didn't have another purpose in calling.

"How is Yeongsu?" He asked icily.

"He's not any better," She sighed, "The healers are able to help with the pain, but they can't stop the spread like she did." What had he expected? For improvement when he knew it was impossible without her?

"Put him on the phone," He demanded.

"Give me a moment." Jihun waited impatiently as his Luna went in search of their son.

"Daddy?" The small voice came on the line and Jihun breathed out heavily. His young son had been battling a sickness for most of his life. With Y/N's healing abilities, he had been able to live a relatively normal life. But no matter how hard they pushed her, she could not completely remove the ailment.

"How are you feeling, Yeongsu?" He turned away from his mates to face the wall.

"Tired, but mommy let me rest a lot today. She says that if I'm feeling better tomorrow I can go out and play." It was something Jihun had said to him before, many times. It was something that gave him hope, the hope that one day he would be alright.

"That sounds good, make sure you get enough rest tonight then."

"Yes daddy!" Jihun exchanged a few more words with his son before he passed the phone back to his mother.

"Let me know if his condition changes," Jihun instructed and his Luna promised to do so. He ended the call and threw the phone on the bed.

"How is Yeongsu?" Seongho asked. Jihun wasn't in the mood to respond so he just shook his head. They all had kids of their own with different omegas. Some they didn't care about, but they each had one child that they prized above others. Seongho had Doyun, Mireu had Jiyoo, Uri had Siwoo, and Gaeul had Seoyun.

The pain from Gaeul's loss flared up suddenly and he ran his hands through his hair to try and distract himself from the pain.

The four of them were currently holed up in a small inn sharing a room. The nearest village to Namjoon's was not exactly in a convenient location. When they had pursued Y/N, they had not planned for a long stay, they had planned to snatch her up and take her back with them, but things were so fucking difficult now!

They were going to have to wait for 3 weeks to get what they needed. Three fucking weeks! Meanwhile his son wasted away. But moving any sooner would be dangerous.

Was he ready to wage war on a village for the sake of a stupid bitch? They had lost a mate because of her. Gaeul was dead, torn apart by some wolf who wasn't even mated to her yet. Fated mates, that's what Namjoon had claimed. It was easy enough to claim fated mates. There were no outward signs to disprove the claim.

But there was no way she was fated to them, what were the chances that the one time she properly escaped she happened to stumble upon one of her fated mates? There was just no way. It would be the cruelest twist of fate.

His frustration and grief exploded inside him. He cocked back his arm and punched a hole in the wall with a loud shout. He growled at the pain, welcoming the sensation.

"You're going to have to pay for that," Mireu complained dryly.

"I'm not paying for shit," Jihun hisses, shaking the pain away from his fist. Mireu shrugged with a sigh, not wanting to antagonize Jihun any further.

They weren't planning on staying here for very long, they needed to get back to their pack with Y/N for Yeongsu's sake. The plan was to spend one night here, gather supplies and then return to Namjoon's village to set up camp just outside of the range of their scouts. Then someone would come back in three weeks for their package. They would gather intel and create chaos until then.

"Why don't we go outside? Get some supplies and fresh air?" Seongho suggested. Like fresh air was going to do anything! But the four of them made their way to the market anyway.

It was an open market, like so many he's been to before and Uri was instantly bored. Polite vendors and haggling customers. Samples of fruit and urges to touch wares. It all irritated him.

Uri was uninterested as they shopped for supplies, all of them were except for Seongho. Seongho didn't ask for opinions, just got what he thought they needed and they trusted him implicitly. His other mates were just as distracted as he was, but probably for different reasons. Jihun was probably ranting in his head about anything and everything. Mireu was probably thinking about Gaeul and wanting to get home, he never liked being away from home too long.

He on the other hand was aching for her, he knew he was probably the only one. None of the others actually gave two fucks about Y/N, just the things that she could do, but he missed her. He missed her whimpers, how as soon as he came near every ounce of defiance fled her body, no one could get her to do what he could. Wasn't that the sign of a good mate?

But she was not his mate. His other mates didn't want her as part of their pack, he understood that, but he wasn't even allowed to help her through her heats and have children with her. Jihun wanted nothing to impede her health or distract her. So Uri kept quiet, biding his time, waiting for when she could carry his pups. And now she was mating with other wolves, she was his first!

The idea of her being with other wolves was making his thoughts violent. It wouldn't be long before he lashed out at someone and he hoped it was that skinny little red wolf that he would be dismembering.

Uri perked up, straightening from his slumped posture against the wall. He caught a faint wisp of the alpha Namjoon. Without explanation, he followed his nose, ignoring the exclamations from his mates.

Uri followed his nose to one of the stands at the market. It was coming from a plain looking man with a meek smile. He was agreeing to a price with the vendor to buy items like flour and spices in bulk. Nonchalantly, he made his way to the same vendor and began to peruse the merchandise. Uri could feel his mates falling in around him, taking his que to be subtle and unobtrusive.

Everything about this man was average, his hair color, his facial features, even his mannerisms and speech. He would have gone unnoticed if not for his scent. Now that he was closer, the scent of the Head Alpha was almost completely obscured by a sickly smell. Uri could smell death on him and an idea started to form in Uri's head. 


This is chapter is so short 😳But it's important! More good twisty things to come!🥰


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