33- Weak Link

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"I'd appreciate it if you didn't make my mate feel uncomfortable," Taehyung said politely once Y/N was out of sight.

"Is she mated to more than one of you?" She was staring in the direction Y/N had disappeared in. He didn't say anything, just stared at her with a neutral expression until she recognized the silence for what it was.

"Sorry, Tae," She bowed her head in apology, "She's a beautiful wolf, I'm just jealous!" Her smile wavered as Tae let the silence continue for a beat more.

"She is mated to more than one of us now, you should be more careful around her," He said quietly as a warning, "I know you mean no harm, but I don't think a single one of my mates would be so forgiving."

She nodded and turned away from Y/N's direction. That eased Taehyung's apprehension and he let his shoulders relax.

"Now, Hwasa, how can my humble shop be of assistance?" He said graciously, slipping back into charm and flirtation like nothing had happened.

"I have a list from my mates," She rolled her eyes, but it was good natured. Hwasa had three mates and Taehyung liked all three. They weren't fated mates, but they fit so perfectly together that you wouldn't know it. He would have to place an order for some of the items on the list, but he started collecting what they did have on hand.

"Tae..." She said slowly as he checked the sizes on bras and set them out for her to sort through, she would know her mates' preferences better than he would.

"Yes?" He asked distractedly as he moved on to socks.

"There was another reason I wanted to come see you." The tone in her voice made him pause and look at her. She gave him a weak half smile before swallowing hard. She brushed her hair nervously behind her ear.

"Tae, I wanted to give you a heads up," She shot a glance towards the changing rooms, but Y/N was still hidden from view. She dropped her voice, "The Alpha Mother has been... acting weird." Taehyung had heard about the recent run-ins with the elderly alpha.

"Acting weird how?" He pressed, unconsciously moving his body to block Y/N from Hwasa.

"I don't know, she's mad, I've never seen her this mad. She's been," Hwasa falters, looking away and biting her lip. She was making him nervous, incredibly nervous and he was about ready to call on all his alphas to come, "Taehyung, she wants Y/N, I don't know what for, she goes on these weird rants that don't make sense to me, but I think if she knew that you two were the only ones in this shop, she would be here right now."

The implication was heavy, scary. He knew he wasn't the strongest of his pack, in all honesty he was probably the weakest, probably weaker than Jin even though Jin was an omega and he was a beta. Hwasa suddenly felt like a threat and he bristled uncomfortably.

"I'm not going to tell her!" Hwasa threw up her hands in submission, "Just be careful ok? And tell your mates. I don't know what the Alpha Mother is after, but I don't think it's anything good. She just doesn't seem like herself."

Taehyung helped finish off her list as quick as he could and waved her off. Hwasa gave him one more smile, the corners struggling to push themselves up to their usual full height before the door closed behind her. His heart was racing. They needed to leave as soon as possible. He didn't know what the Alpha Mother was up to, but he wasn't going to be the one who put their new mate at risk.

He could hear a curtain being open behind him. When he turned around, Y/N's round eyes were looking for reassurance. He didn't know if she had heard the conversation or if Hwasa had just made her feel uncomfortable. Whatever it was, he was going to put her worries to rest. He put on his biggest smile he could and went to his little mate.

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