62- New Head Alpha

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"You're sure you want to come with us?" Yoongi asked for maybe the hundredth time. Hanwool looked up at him, face set and unamused.

"Would you stop asking me that?" Hanwool lifted a bag to his shoulder and waved at Yoongi to follow him out the door. Yoongi shifted the bag on his own shoulder and looked around the alpha's house. He was leaving so much behind, sacrificing so much to come with them.

Namjoon had woken up Hanwool through the link to tell him they were leaving and Hanwool had put up a fight, insisting that he be allowed to come. Namjoon had resisted, but then Hanwool had shown up at the Guardhouse as they were packing the cars with nothing. He had been ready to leave everything. Literally everything but the clothes on his back to follow them.

So Namjoon had asked Yoongi to go help him pack. Twenty minutes later they were leaving his small little home in the village. Hanwool closed the door and didn't look back as the two of them made their way back to the Guardhouse.

It was eerie how silent the village was. It was still dark, but there were threads of light in the sky trying to stitch themselves together.

"Why are you coming with us?" Yoongi asked. Hanwool didn't answer for a few steps and Yoongi began to wonder if he would. Hanwool cleared his throat.

"I grew up in this village and always felt like something was wrong. I would visit other towns and villages for supplies or contract negotiations and each and every time I almost didn't come back. I hated it here, I felt like I was slowly dying, just like this village. But then Namjoon came. He was more than a breath of fresh air. He helped me find purpose again. Working with the two of you over the past couple of years has been...important to me. I'm not staying here and I would rather help you build something new than start over on my own."

Yoongi didn't know Hanwool felt that strongly. Hanwool was important to them too, in a lot of ways. His reservations about Hanwool coming were all connected to Yoongi's fear of ruining Hanwool's life, forcing him to leave his home. If he was going to leave anyways, Yoongi would rather have him with them.

When they got back to the Guardhouse, Namjoon and Jimin were coming out of the Guardhouse with more supplies. They began packing items into the two cars they were taking. They weren't going to keep the cars for long. Jimin had made arrangements for them to be brought back in a few days. They could justify some things but not stealing two cars. After that they would truly have to start making their own way. The person Yoongi worried about most was Jin, their pregnant omega.

"Where's Jin?" Yoongi asked. Jimin looked at him curiously.

"Still getting supplies with Jungkook and Hoseok, why?" Yoongi shook his head. He was starting to feel a sense of dread. He thought it had been about Jin, but maybe it wasn't...

"I'm going back to the pack house," Yoongi said hurriedly. But he didn't get two feet before there was a pain in his chest. Two of his seven bonds were dissolving! He frantically searched to find out which of his mates were no longer connected to him.

"What's happening?" Jimin cried out. He was already crying, clutching his chest.

"It's Y/N and Taehyung!" The anguish in Namjoon's voice was disastrous. Yoongi shifted and began running to the pack house. To his surprise, as he was running to the pack house, an SUV was driving away from it and towards him. He recognized Himchan in the front seat. His sense of dread grew hard as a rock in his stomach.

He lunged for the vehicle when it passed him, but it swerved out of the way to miss him. He could smell his mates in the car, two floral scents, similar but different, mixing together beautifully. Yoongi changed directions and ran full speed after the car.

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