11- Golmul

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Namjoon was feeling extremely protective of his young mate after their talk earlier. He didn't want to take her to the Alpha Mother, he didn't want her to leave the house period. But the Alpha Mother had been insistent, especially since Y/N was an outsider and she was injured by wolves that were also outsiders.

Jin was holding her hand as they walked from their pack house to the Alpha Mother's house and he was constantly scanning their surroundings to keep himself from getting lost in thought like he normally did.

He found his thoughts straying anyways. Why had Y/N been so terrified? What had she meant by 'I can't do this again'? The spike in her scent had been instant and unmistakable. As her alpha, he felt immediately compelled to calm her with his own scent.

Namjoon was the type to analyze and try to put into words what others just accepted as fact. The mating pull was one of those things. After talking with all of his mates about it, it seemed that everyone felt it in a slightly different way. Taehyung could actually visualize the connecting tethers if he closed his eyes and focused. Jin was particularly susceptible to the emotions that came through the bond, he was extremely good at pinpointing emotions that no one even noticed. 

For Namjoon, it was nothing tangible, he couldn't see it, he wasn't as sensitive, and he couldn't really influence it directly. To him the mating pull was more like a physical pull, he could feel himself being physically drawn to his mates. Like a moon orbiting the sun, he felt his purpose was to circle and encompass his mates, protect them at all costs. Yoongi and Jungkook's experience with the pull was similar to his. 

Right now, he could feel her, could feel his body being pulled towards her. He didn't even need to turn around to see how far away she was or what direction she was in. A raw mating pull, one with no mating attachment was almost painful.  

He looked at her. There were so many things about her that he didn't know, aspects of her past, even what she liked to eat were all a mystery to him, but he felt the mating pull just like every one of his mates did. He didn't need to know any of that to know that he wanted her to be in his pack for the rest of their lives. All of the details would figure themselves out.

If she survived. The unbidden thought startled him and he pushed it away immediately. Why would he even think that? He chided himself on thinking negatively, but she had received life threatening injuries on two different occasions within the span of two days! She had been able to heal herself, but her level of healing abilities was well beyond normal –

"Are you just going to stare? Or are you going to knock?" Jin asked, interrupting his thoughts. Namjoon looked up with a start. He was standing in front of the Alpha Mother's door and Jin was looking at him expectantly, one hand still in Y/N's, the other propped on his hip to signal his impatience. So much for staying focused.

"Sorry Jin!" He bashfully ducked his head and knocked on the door. Jin shook his head good naturedly.

They didn't have to wait long until their knock was answered.

You braced yourself when Namjoon answered the door. You weren't sure what was going to happen, but your mind was already drawing conclusions and escape plans. It felt like an automatic response. 

The house wasn't that large and it had an oddly circular shape, more like a hut with white stucco walls and a thatched roof. It looked old compared to the other houses around it, like it had been the first home in this village and everything was built out from it. The tan door slowly swung inwards.

The woman who answered the door seemed strong enough to challenge Namjoon despite her age. Her age showed in the wrinkles on her face, her white hair, the very slight bent posture she walked in, even her eyes had a sheen of age to them. Nothing about her outward appearance was intimidating or threatening, but your body automatically responded with fear.

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