19- Mate

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Just a reminder that one of the things this book is rated mature for is sex, this is just one of many smut scenes, but this will be the only time I have a warning, so tread with caution if that's not your thing! 😅 Enjoy! Things are heating up😝😈


Taehyung was thinking about what Y/N had said. It hurt to have her say she wanted to leave and that she was so unhappy. Now that she said it aloud, he could see the truth in what she said and it made him feel guilty. With his other mates, the bond always let him know how they felt. Because he hadn't been feeling anything from Y/N, it hadn't occurred to him that she could be  so unhappy. It had been a complete shock to him when she tried to run away again.

He looked around the room. Jimin was sitting next to him on the couch. They were holding hands but Jimin's hand was limp and lifeless in his. He was staring dejectedly at the floor. Namjoon was standing next to one of the windows, staring out into the darkening sky. The bedroom door opened and Hoseok came out.

How did it go? Taehyung asked from his place on the couch as Hoseok entered the room. Hoseok shook his head in disappointment.

Maybe I should talk to her, explain what happened with her alphas. Namjoon voiced his thoughts.

I honestly don't think she cares about that, she's upset with us and the way we have been treating her. Hoseok answered, sitting in the kitchen so that he could see the window of the spare bedroom.

I don't honestly know why she's so upset! We're being good to her, better than her other pack, what are we honestly doing that's so wrong? Hoseok huffed and leaned back in his chair.

What do you know about her? I know her favorite color is green, she is a healer, and she had abusive alphas, that's it. We assholes! We should have been trying to get to know her, checking in with her instead of just assuming things. Jimin didn't look up from the floor as he talked through the link.

We've only known her for a few days, Jimin. Namjoon reassured. Jimin got to his feet angrily.

And in those few days she's had strangers sleeping in her bed and monitoring her every move and telling her what to do, no wonder she's pissed! I've been a horrible mate! It's so disorienting to feel nothing from her through the bond and the link. She seemed so happy to be back, what happened?

I don't know, Namjoon shrugged.

We're just trying to protect her, is it really that hard to just do what we say if we're doing it for her safety? Taehyung could tell Hoseok was feeling touchy. Whatever Y/N had said to him was affecting his mood.

Taehyung couldn't remember a time when Hoseok wasn't in his life. They had been inseparable since they were children. They went from playmates, to best friends, to lovers and then to mates. Hoseok had presented almost two years before him. Tae didn't know it at the time, but Hoseok had immediately felt the pull for him. Hoseok had dated and courted him for two years, waiting for Taehyung to present. Two years he waited while feeling the pull, it must have been torture for him! But he never said a word about it to Taehyung.

You should be able to sympathize, Hobi. You had to wait for two years knowing I was your mate. You never said anything, why? Hobi looked away.

It's because you were thinking about me every step of the way and you wanted me to find that connection myself. You courted me so beautifully and I still think about the things you did to this day. I doubt she's been shown real love her whole life and here we all are, relying on the mating pull to naturally draw us together when she doesn't even feel it. We can't keep her here against her will forever. If we want her to stay, we need to give her reasons to stay.

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