21- Precautions

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Jungkook was over the moon, his mate accepted him! He had held her, kissed her, had a normal conversation with her, and now they were going to have a pack meeting. He proudly led her out of the room to his other mates

Namjoon was laying on the couch with his head in Taehyung's lap, eyes closed but brows furrowed as if he was deep in thought. Taehyung was happily chatting away with Hoseok while mindlessly playing with Namjoon's hair. Hoseok's laugh filled the room and Jungkook couldn't stop the smile that formed on his face. He loved the sound of Hoseok's laugh. It was full of energy and always genuine.

When he walked in hand in hand with Y/N, Tae and Hobi's conversation faded and died. They were watching Y/N with cautious smiles. Namjoon sensing a change in the room, opened his eyes and then sat up when he saw the newcomers.

Jungkook sat Y/N on the couch next to him and immediately pulled her as close as he could to himself.

She might as well be on your lap, Hoseok teased.

Say it out loud or keep it to yourself, Tae gave Hoseok a sideways glance as a warning to stop talking through the link. Talking through the link was something they hadn't realized they'd been doing as frequently as they had before Y/N brought it up. Seeing as how they didn't know how long it would be until they were all mated and could share the link, they needed to stop using it so much.

"Did you sleep well Y/N?" Namjoon asked with a smile that didn't quite ignite his dimples. As Jungkook looked at his mate, he felt a pang of worry. Namjoon looked haggard like he hadn't slept last night. The stress he carried as the Pack and Head Alpha was a lot. Jungkook wished he could take on more for his alpha. Especially since Yoongi was on his rut, he was doing it all by himself.

"I'm sorry I've been nothing but trouble," She bowed her head. Jungkook wanted to scold her again, but he held back. He didn't want to scare her again. He needed to be more careful.

Namjoon shook his head and his smile grew wider, his dimples finally making an appearance.

"You haven't been any trouble Y/N. There's been a lot going on the past couple of days and I'm sorry if we haven't been as communicative as we should have been and if we've been overprotective."

Jungkook felt Y/N shift slightly towards Namjoon with a look of longing on her face. What made Namjoon such a good pack leader was that he utilized his alpha influence well. Like Jin, he was always looking out for the other members of the pack, but he always did it in the most subtle ways like using it to put Y/N at ease without her even realizing it.

Jungkook gently rubbed her side encouragingly. She blinked up at him, her eyes wide and vulnerable. He couldn't stop himself from leaning down and pecking her nose. She looked away with a shy smile. He could feel his mates collectively hum happily along the bond.

"Y/N, we want to talk about a few things with you, is that alright?" When she nodded, Namjoon leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees, "First how are you feeling now? Jungkook said that now you feel the pull, you don't feel like running away, is that true?" She nodded solemnly.

"I didn't understand before, I'm sorry." She looked directly at Hoseok and bowed her head slightly, "I'm sorry for how I acted." A pleasant squeal got trapped in Hoseok's throat and his eyes lit up. It didn't take much to please Hoseok or his wolf.

"No need to apologize, sweetheart!" He replied enthusiastically. Jungkook could tell he wanted to hold her, but he held himself back.

"Y/N," Namjoon drew her attention back, "I want to tell you what happened yesterday with your old pack. The four of them came and asked to speak with me. They wanted you to be returned to them." Y/N stiffened and her scent soured. It wasn't anything new to him, but because it was upsetting his mate Jungkook growled and put an arm protectively around her shoulders. Namjoon hurried on.

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