27 - The Nest

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"Yah!" Jungkook shouted, throwing the blankets off himself, "Put some clothes on first!" You fussed as he pulled his shirt over your head and then he grabbed you around the waist as you tried to leave again. "You need shorts too, silly girl!"

As soon as you had shorts on, you threw open the door. Jungkook yelled after you as he struggled with his own shorts. You followed the tugging sensation into the living area. Taehyung was laying on the couch, giggling while he watched Hoseok dance for him.

Hoseok. Your new mate. You had never seen him dance before. There was no music playing, he was dancing to his own music, making cute little sound effects as he hit his own beat. Jungkook came up behind you, placing his hands on your hips, but you couldn't look away from Hoseok.

"Well, hello love birds, freshly mated I see," Taehyung said cheerfully, drawing Hoseok's attention. You touched your left collarbone where Jungkook's mark was.

"I thought we weren't going to see you for the rest of the night," Hoseok's tone was teasing, but his smile was bright, confident and made your heart race with longing. You could feel the fiery tether that bound you. After mating with Jungkook, the pull to Hoseok felt stronger, more insistent, and it made you whine slightly.

Hoseok blinked at you in surprise and, embarrassed, you took a few steps back and bumped into Jungkook's bare chest. You looked up at him for help.

Do you feel the pull for Hobi? He nudged your nose with his and when you nodded your head, your nose grazed his back and forth.

She feels the pull for you Hobi, almost ran out here naked to find you. Your embarrassment tripled as Taehyung and Hoseok snorted with laughter.

"Jungkook..." You whined. Hoseok began sauntering towards you with a cheshire grin and a predatory stare. You were torn between running away from him or towards him, but before you could do either, he was right in front of you, pinning you against Jungkook with his gaze.

Jungkook's fingers grazed his mark on your collarbone. It was still sensitive and you shivered. Then he looped his fingers under the shirt collar and dragged it over, revealing your shoulder. Hoseok lifted a finger and traced an unknown pattern on the exposed skin.

"This is where my mark will go Y/N, when you're ready." You bit your lip to keep anything stupid from falling out, like mark me right now! He suddenly screeched with joy, making you jump. He scooped you in his arms and spun you around. You clung to his neck, unsure what else to do. When he put you back down, you tottered dizzily. He pinched your cheeks and then kissed your forehead repeatedly.

"I'm so happy, Y/N!" He exclaimed. His smile was kind of heart shaped you realized, unique and fitting for his lively and vibrant personality.

"Me too," You said shyly, looking to the side.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung said slowly as he approached. He was staring intently at Jungkook, specifically your mark on his neck, "Why is her mark gold?" Jungkook touched it lightly and shrugged with a happy smile. Your earlier anxiety returned.

"There's nothing to worry about Y/N," Jungkook reassured. You realized he must have been feeling your anxiety through the bond that you now shared.

"What's going on?" Everyone turned to look at the newcomer. Namjoon was standing just outside of the bathroom door in nothing but a pair of boxers, ruffling a towel through his wet hair. You gulped in surprise and kept your eyes up.

You saw him search for the mark on your collarbone and then shift to look for Jungkook's mark. His brows creased in confusion when he saw the gold mark Jungkook was still touching, "Why don't we sit down and talk?"

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