13- Experiments

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"What did you want to talk about Joonie?" Namjoon had brought Jin outside because he didn't want to be overheard and Jin liked talking out loud more than using the link, especially when he was wound up. He didn't want what they were about to discuss to be overheard. He wanted Yoongi to be a part of this too, but he had disappeared and wasn't answering the link.

"What Alpha Mother said about Y/N," Namjoon began and Jin's scent immediately soured. Jin placed a hand on his hip

"I don't know exactly what the Alpha Mother wants, but she wants something from our mate and it makes me uncomfortable."

"Me too," Namjoon agreed, especially considering what she said after Jin and Y/N left. He looked around, no one was around, but he chose to speak through the link anyways.

She wants you to find out her other gifts and report back to her what they are.

Me? Jin pointed to himself with raised brows and Namjoon nodded slightly.

She thinks that Y/N trusts you. Jin scoffed and rolled his eyes. Namjoon felt bad, before he and Jimin came along, Jin's relationship with the Alpha Mother had been strong. It seemed in a lot of ways she was Jin's mom in place of his deceased biological mother. But things had been getting rockier the past couple of years.

That's beside the point, why is she acting like it's any of her business, she's not Head Alpha anymore, you are! We're not telling her anything, am I clear? His emotions were building until he couldn't express himself through the link anymore, "She thinks she can just keep using my mates, she doesn't treat you like members of her pack, but gives you more assignments than anyone in the village!" Namjoon grabbed him by the elbows to disrupt his rant.

"Jin honey, you're getting off topic," He said gently to his mate.

"No I'm not, I'm expanding on the topic and commenting on the fact that it's not an isolated incident!" Namjoon chuckled. Jin only talked like that when he argued with him and he kind of loved it.

"Point taken!" Namjoon squeezed Jin's hand. I basically told her the same thing, he continued through the link, I told her that what Y/N could do should not become common knowledge and that we would take care of everything within our pack. I told her we preferred not to get others involved

"And of course, you would have said it with grace and diplomacy. It's probably a good thing that I left then," He said with a dramatic sigh, then his tone changed, "Could you feel it? The way that she was reaching out for Y/N? It felt so... invasive."

Jin suddenly seemed uneasy and looked back to the house where Y/N was. The truth was, at the time Namjoon hadn't recognized what she was doing. He had felt her push, but it wasn't until he saw the reactions of his omegas that he realized what was happening. She had targeted his new omega on purpose and it didn't sit well with him. Namjoon could tell that she was going to try and exploit Y/N. Namjoon was going to have to navigate the situation carefully, balancing keeping peace with the Alpha Mother and keeping his mate safe.

We're going to have to be careful. Until one of us can link with her, we shouldn't let her roam on her own. Not just because of the Alpha Mother. I'm worried that since she's an omega, the villagers are going to be... He paused to think of the right word.

Assholes? Jin supplied.

Jin, don't be too harsh! They're good people. I understand why outsiders make them nervous, I don't take it personally. Jin's emotions spiked again.

"I take it personally!" He burst out, "It's not like she needs time to adjust, it's been years. If she accepted you then everyone else in the village would accept you! But she refuses to. Her priority is Hwasa, but my priority is you," Jin's tone wasn't bitter, but it was leaning that way.

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