20- The Pull

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Jungkook came out of the bathroom, shaking a muscular hand through his long wet hair. He was only wearing a pair of boxers and you took in his physique. The way his sleeve tattoos bled up onto his shoulders and left his toned chest uncovered. He had bite marks on his chest and neck, probably from helping Yoongi with his rut through the night.

"What are you doing up, Y/N?" Jungkook clearly didn't hear your gasped exclamation. You could still walk away, leave and start your new life away from alphas, you could still be free. And yet, that didn't seem to matter anymore. All your wolf wanted, all you wanted was to stay by Jungkook's side for the rest of your life.

You were shaking as you tentatively walked right up to him, it felt as if your whole world was tipping and spilling on its side. He blinked in surprise, his dark dewy eyes searching yours. You saw the hope and the desperate longing there and you finally understood. You finally felt the mating pull that connected the two of you, it felt like a living, raw thing pulling you to him.

"Mate," You said quietly but firmly. Jungkook's eyes widened and started to glass over. You reached up to touch his face, unable to resist the urge to touch your mate. Tears spilled onto his cheeks as he closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath. His large hand covered yours. It felt so warm. He gently moved your palm to his lips and kissed it. The sensation rippled through your body, making you shiver.

The bedroom door slammed open making you both jump. Jungkook instinctively pulled you close. Hoseok burst into the room, eyes wide and white hair tousled, reeking of fear. When he saw you, he visibly relaxed, rubbing his hands over his face.

"I thought you had run away again! Damn it Y/N! You scared me!" His angry, exasperated tone made you tuck yourself into Jungkook more.

"Y/N?" Jungkook asked softly, "Do you feel the pull with Hobi?" You shook your head quickly.

"You feel the pull with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked with wide eyes. You nodded into Jungkook's chest. They both exchanged a long look, but you ignored them and wrapped yourself more firmly around your warm mate.

Namjoon couldn't sleep, instead he was planning. With Taehyung tucked in one side, Jimin tucked into the other, he planned. How to escape-proof their house, what they could do to give her more freedom while protecting her from the villagers and more importantly her alphas. They said they would be back, so where were the weak points in their defenses that could be fortified and what could he do to motivate the guard if patrols needed to become more frequent?

Over and over thoughts circled through his head and every time he was just about to fall asleep, one of the thoughts would snag his consciousness and he would be wide awake again. In the early hours of the morning, Jimin started to stir next to him, letting out tiny whimpers in his sleep. Two of his mates in rut, three of his mates indisposed for the next few days, added to his stress. Not that his mates could help it, Namjoon just cursed the timing.

When Jimin began to rut against him, he gently roused him. Jimin blinked at him with a scowl on his face, "Min, I think your rut has started." Namjoon tried to stay quiet so that Tae wouldn't wake up. Jimin growled in irritation. He kicked the blanket off himself and got up grumbling. Namjoon could see he was hard in his shorts and Jimin's hand pressed against it to relieve the pressure.

"I am so not in the mood for this!" He mumbled and Namjoon chuckled in sympathy.

"Send Jungkook back," He reminded Jimin. His mate nodded sleepily and left the nest. Tae stirred slightly next to him and Namjoon stroked his eyebrows gently, encouraging him to fall asleep again. Tae smacked his lips and burrowed closer to him before going still again.

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