55- You ok, baby?

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"Little one," Yoongi came and took your hand, "We shouldn't mate right now. You're too upset, we all are. We'll see how things are in the morning ok? After we all get some sleep." You dropped his hand. You were angry with him for not agreeing to mate you, but you knew he was right. The pack didn't feel stable, which is probably why you felt so unstable yourself. You didn't feel good and you felt even worse as you looked around the room.

You stopped on Jungkook, hoping he would read your thoughts without you having to say it out loud. Your stupid instinct to run was making the glands in your mouth tighten and sour. Jungkook jumped to his feet and hurried to you.

You ok, baby? You shook your head. Let's go up to the nest ok? You nodded your head. You just wanted to sleep and forget everything about this day.

Taehyung felt drained, more than drained, he felt like all his energy and half his life had been siphoned off and fed to the monster that almost took his mate away today. He stood in the kitchen, sipping a glass of wine while Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi sat in the living room talking through the link while the rest of his mates were settling down in the nest. He winced in pain and took a big gulp of his wine to calm the feeling.

The pull was always exhilarating at first, it drew you to your mate with assurance and clarity. You never had to second guess, when you felt the pull, you knew bone deep, soul deep that was your mate.

But the pull had a mind of it's own and if it was neglected or not acted upon, it turned ugly. His pull to Y/N felt like that now. It was raw and painful, it was making his whole body ache with need. Showering with her, any touch with her, it eased the pain, but never completely took it away.

Hoseok had presented almost two years before he did and he had felt the pull all that time, how had he survived this pain? Was this normal? It didn't seem like Yoongi and Namjoon were in pain. She had wanted to mate with Yoongi tonight and he told her to wait. Taehyung wasn't sure if he would be able to wait, even if it put his mate in a better emotional place. He gripped the edge of the counter harder and took another large gulp of wine.

Hey babe, you ok? Want to come up and snuggle with me? Damn it! Taehyung had been trying to keep everything out of the bond, but apparently not well enough, Hoseok was always sensitive to his needs.

Not ready for bed yet. Taehyung finished his glass and then poured himself another. Hoseok? How did you deal with the pull for two years? It hurts like hell! He tried to make his tone light and joking.

Is it bad baby? Is that what's hurting you? Come up and snuggle with Y/N, physical touch helps. Taehyung wasn't satisfied with that answer, physical touch wasn't enough. He gulped his wine. He felt guilty he was thinking so much about the pull to Y/N when Jimin had almost died today.

That's not how you got by, there's no way. There was silence and Taehyung pressed the heel of his palm into his left eye as a headache started to bloom there. Hoseok relented.

Sex helps the most Tae. If you remember, we had lots and lots of sex. That was the only thing that really helped. Well, fuck. That's not what he wanted to hear because that wasn't something he could have right now. He drained his second glass and poured a third, because maybe Hoseok didn't try drinking. Drinking might just take the edge off, he hoped.

"Tae honey?" Jin asked coming into the kitchen. Taehyung didn't look at him, he was afraid if he did, he would start sobbing, "We're heading upstairs to sleep, why don't you come with?"

"I'm just going to finish this glass and then I'll be up." Taehyung swirled his glass. The red liquid arced dangerously close to the lip of the glass, almost spilling. Maybe Taehyung was more drunk than he originally thought.

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