66- The Dawn

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The rage Namjoon felt was all consuming and he attacked the wolf without mercy. This wolf was the largest of the pack and it wasn't his first time fighting this wolf, but it would be his last. He ripped and tore into him, whenever the wolf gained any ground on him, Hoseok was there to attack and draw the wolf's attention long enough for Namjoon to gain ground again.

The wolf seemed wild, almost ravenous in his approach to the fight. He was snapping and snarling with snarls that were almost screams of rage. Namjoon's attacks on the other hand were methodical and brutal. 

He wanted to end this, end the fear and unease that had been hanging over his pack for the past month. He wanted to end the terror that had plagued his newest mate for five long years of her life. He hated those five wolves with a ferocity that he had never expressed until this moment.

The other wolf's grief and blind rage made him easy to distract, easy to destroy. Namjoon broke bones and tore out flesh until the creature was slumping to the ground and limping away, unable to fight any longer. The once ferocious creature was wheezing, snarls were more like pained, frightened cries. Namjoon shifted and stood over the wolf. Now that Namjoon was human again, he felt pity for the dying animal. There was blood smeared over the floor, both his and the hellhound's.

He did his best to ignore the piteous sounds as he approached the animal. It made half-hearted attempts to snap at him as he took its jaw and jerked it sharply back, breaking its neck with a sickening crunch. All struggling ceased and Namjoon released his hold with a long exhausted sigh. He could feel the wounds all over his own body, his penance for taking a life. No matter how vile the man had been, It made Namjoon's insides turn to have ended him.

When he looked up, his two mates were staring at him. With a groan, he got to his feet. He stepped over the wolf and towards them. Hoseok had Y/N tucked into his chest, but she pushed away from him and picked her way through the carnage to Namjoon. To his surprise, she wrapped her arms tightly around him and began sobbing.

He grunted from the pain, but the pain was beginning to fade. Y/N was glowing faintly, a beautiful subtle white. She healed his wounds and somehow it felt like she was restoring his energy and easing his guilt. Maybe that was just his imagination.

"Thank you alpha!" She sobbed, "Thank you for saving me Namjoon!"

He scooped her in his arms and held her tight to his chest as he carried her away, Hoseok at his side. He breathed in her sweet floral scent and sighed at the strong bond pulsing once again between them.

It was time to collect the rest of his mates.

Yoongi was struggling, Jimin could tell. Jimin wasn't hearing a voice in his head, but the dark was still unnaturally oppressive for him. Jimin knew the power of that wolf, he had felt his needling voice before. He wasn't targeting Jimin this time, maybe he could only influence one wolf at a time and Yoongi seemed like the bigger threat. He'd let that son of a bitch believe that, right up until the moment Jimin killed him.

His ears were pricking, following the subtle moves of the other wolf, so when it tried to come up behind him, Jimin pivoted and struck at the wolf, leaving ragged scratch marks on its muzzle. Jimin chased after it, but the darkness swallowed it up again.

You ok Yoongi? Yoongi's wolf snarled and shook himself again. Jimin could feel pain brimming along the bond from Yoongi and that infuriated Jimin. Yoongi would not be hurt again.

Jimin had his own gift. He had never used it as a weapon, but he would now. He felt confident that they would win, it was the kind of confidence that made the sun sparkle and glint off dust, the kind of confidence that made you feel weightless and giddy with possibilities. He was leaving this warehouse with all of his mates intact, that was just a fact.

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