61- Clouded Judgment

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Taehyung was so gentle. You didn't feel the pull for him, but through his gift, he let you feel what he felt for you. His affection and deep sense of connection felt just like the pull. You felt his quiet desperation and it almost brought tears to your eyes. 

The kisses you placed on his face were like gentle prayers. You kissed his forehead, please let Taehyung be safe. You kissed his nose, please let this work. You kissed his lips, please fate, be on your side! The way Taehyung kissed you back made you wonder if he was praying for the same thing.

Taehyung was still in his pajamas. An old t-shirt that was too big for him, probably one of you mates. You fingered some holes that were at the bottom hem of the shirt, it made you wonder why he kept it, what was the significance?

Slowly, you began dragging the fabric up revealing his skin inch by inch. He helped you pull it up the rest of the way. His skin was beautiful, flawless. Your fingers traced the planes of his chest and your heart beat faster as he began to pant under your touch.

His eyes were wide and vulnerable, a dark chocolate with intriguing depths. You felt his hands tugging at your shirt and you helped pull it off to join Taehyung's on the floor next to you. You continued undressing each other, placing reassuring kisses to each other's lips in between each item.

As he began touching your skin, he sighed in satisfaction, as if touching you was as pleasing to him as it was to you. As he explored you, you resumed exploring him. You spread your fingers and ran the expanse of his shoulders, then down his arms. He pulled you closer and you straddled his naked lap. His hard length laid heavy against your belly. Your hands ran down his sides as he experimentally played with your breasts.

He began to pant again as you moaned and it was a shot of pleasure between your legs. You kissed him hungrily. He let you lead the kiss and there was a certain thrill in being able to dominate his mouth. It made you bold. You reached between your bodies and gently took his length in your hand. He felt warm and velvety. You circled a finger around the flared head and you could feel his breathing getting heavier.

At your first gentle tug, Taehyung pulled away from your kiss to moan loudly. You peppered his scent gland with kisses and you continued to tug those alluring sounds out of his mouth. You wanted Taehyung to feel good, you wanted him to know that you cared and this wasn't just about protecting him.

He pulled you closer and closer as you continued to pleasure him. The scent of your slick mingled with the heavy scent of his arousal. As you sucked on his scent gland, you felt his hand straying between your thighs. You led his fingers to your clit and let his fingers take over. A stinging pleasure bloomed in your body, opening up like a morning glory to the inviting glow that was Taehyung.

Then he was pulling back and you were taken aback. Since he stopped, you stopped and let his length fall against your belly again.

"We don't have to mate," Tae said. His eyes were so sad. You cupped his face, stroking his bottom lip with your thumb.

"Yoongi told me that your pack always felt like this spot felt empty." You touched the place on his neck where your mark was going to go, "He said it was fate that I would mark it. If it is fate, if it is meant to be, doesn't that mean that things will work out? Because we are fated to be together?"

He nodded, pulling you into a hurried, passionate kiss. You pushed your body up against his, loving the feeling of his hot skin up against yours. He nipped playfully at your lip, slipping back into his playful side.

"Let's make love, just like this!" He bit his bottom lip as he smiled coyly. You nodded. His cock was poking at your thigh. You took his velvety length in your hand and lined him up with your entrance.

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