15- Sensitive

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Wake up, baby bird! 

You jolted awake, heart pounding, fear paralyzing you. That voice, you knew that voice! He had sounded so close, like he was whispering in your ear. You were too afraid to look and see if he was here. Fear was stiffening your joints, making it almost impossible for you to sit up and look around the room.

When you finally got to your elbows, you sighed in relief. There was no one in the room besides Hoseok and the sun that made itself known through the gauzy curtains. You dropped heavily onto the bed and took slow breaths, banishing your tears and your dark thoughts. Your movement on the bed must have woken up Hoseok. He flipped onto his back and rubbed his eyes vigorously as he yawned.

"I'm going to take a shower," You announced. You hoped he didn't smell your fear and you didn't want to hang around long enough for him to pick it up.

"There are clothes in the dresser, help yourself to anything." His voice was scratchy and slurred with sleep. 

You opened the dresser he had referred to, it was indeed full of clothes. You had seen some of the other wolves pull fresh clothes out of here for themselves, but also for you. Some of them were way too big for you, but you grabbed what seemed like it could fit.

"Thank you," You said softly to Hoseok as you took the borrowed clothes to take with you to the shower. He just hummed in response.

You took your time in the shower, dreading breakfast would turn out like dinner. Once you got out of the shower, you towel dried yourself and pulled up your hair without drying it. Today your clothes smelled Hoseok, a little bit of cinnamon with the eye opening kick of other spices. You held them to your nose for a minute before you put them on. Maybe you were just thankful for the way he treated you last night, because you found yourself comforted by his scent.

When you left the bathroom, the room was empty of Hoseok, but you followed the sound of laughter outside the room. Hoseok was leaning against the back of the couch, smiling at Jimin who was toying with the end of Hoseok's shirt. Jimin brushed his hair back with the other hand and licked his lips.

You watched as they kissed with a sweet intimacy that can only be cultivated with time. You remembered the kisses you and Jimin shared yesterday morning, and how good it had felt to be in his arms. But a lot had happened since then. Jimin noticed you then and his whole face lit up, making your heart ache with longing. He skipped over to you.

"I missed you!" Jimin wrapped his arms around you and kissed you with a groan that made your heart skip a beat. You pushed him away self consciously.

"What?" He asked, his eyebrows puckering in confusion.

"I don't want you to kiss me in front of your mates," You said quietly.

"They're your mates too," He chuckled, pulling you close again, "Plus, they don't mind." When he leaned in again you pushed him away.

"I mind and they're not my mates." He stared at you stunned. You wanted to crawl back into a hole. You had wanted affection from him but the moment he gave it, you snubbed him. You rubbed your arms guiltily. Behind Jimin, Hoseok was watching the two of you and Taehyung came up to him with a questioning look.

"Come have a seat at the table, Y/N. I'm making breakfast," Jin said as he came down the stairs and walked past you, Jungkook trailing after him. He threw the doors to the fridge open wide and started rummaging through it. Jungkook wrapped himself around the omega and the two of them discussed breakfast options. You took Jin's invitation and ducked away from the eyes watching you to sit at the table.

Namjoon scanned the table over the rim of his coffee cup. They were all sitting at the table together. Hoseok and Taehyung, normally the life of the table, were eating silently. There were bags under Hoseok's eyes and he wondered if his mate had been able to sleep.

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