67- New Life

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Taehyung still couldn't feel the bond or connect through the link, so he had no way of communicating with his mates and he was pretty sure Jungkook wasn't communicating with them either. He had managed to coax Jungkook into helping untie him but then he didn't move. He stayed on his knees in front of Taehyung, staring dully at the ground as tears silently trekked their way down his beautifully broken face.

When he heard the panting breaths of wolves and the pads of their feet as they ran towards them, Taehyung got to his feet and stood in front of Jungkook. He had no way of telling if the wolves were his pack or the hellhounds. Tae waited with baited breath until he saw Namjoon's large wolf breaking through the brush, followed by Yoongi and then Hoseok. His knees felt like jelly and he collapsed in relief.

"Tae baby!" Hoseok was the first to shift. He ran to Taehyung and pulled him into his arms, squeezing him tight.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi moved to kneel next to Jungkook, his hand cupped around his mark on the young alpha's neck. Hoseok fussed over Taehyung as Yoongi used his thumb to press into the mark and stimulate Jungkook out of his stupor.

"I didn't mean to kill him," Jungkook looked broken and afraid. Y/N whimpered sadly and Jimin squeezed her hand. Namjoon crouched next to Himchan.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked softly. Tae glanced at Jungkook. He was looking at Namjoon now but he didn't speak, so Tae told them what happened.

The young wolf was watching Namjoon like he was a lifeline. His large doe eyes were wide and full of dewey tears.

"Jungkook, you did nothing wrong." That seemed to be the last straw, a wretched sob came from his mate and everyone physically responded to the anguish they felt coming from him. Namjoon moved towards the young alpha and Yoongi stood back, letting the pack alpha comfort him. He knelt down in front of Jungkook.

"You did nothing wrong, you protected our mate, just like an alpha should. I'm proud of you Jungkook!" Jungkook threw himself into Namjoon's arms.

"Everything's going to be ok," Namjoon continued, comforting Jungkook by rubbing his back, "You believe me right? You know that we'll be ok."

Y/N let go of Jimin's hand and knelt in front of the alphas. She swallowed hard, "I–I," She stuttered and shifted uncomfortably on her knees. Her eyes were filling with tears and she looked down at her lap as her fingers twisted in her shorts the way they do when she's nervous. She still had no shirt on from when one of the hellhounds ripped it off and sliced at her mating marks. Taehyung swallowed hard against the surging emotions.

Y/N had Jungkook's full attention now. He was trying to be strong, trying to present himself as a good alpha when all he wanted to do was cry and be held. She looked up at Jungkook again.

"I killed two people today." She covered her mouth to try and hold in a sob, but it didn't work. Jungkook scooped her into his lap and the two of them clung to each other as they sobbed. Taehyung's heart felt like it was breaking and he wanted badly to just break down too, but he didn't.

Is everything ok? I'm at the car. Do you want me to come meet you? Taehyung almost lost it then, hearing Jin's voice in his mind. The link was back! He closed his eyes and tried to feel the bond. It was faint, but it was there and he knew it would start to grow stronger as the drug wore off.

No, wait there. We'll be down soon. Namjoon responded as he comforted the sobbing pair.

Hurry! I want to hold my pups! Taehyung looked at Namjoon. He wanted the comfort of his Luna.

"Let's go my loves," Namjoon was encouraging quietly. Jungkook wiped his face clean and nodded. Yoongi tried to take Y/N, but she clung tighter to Jungkook. Instead he and Namjoon helped Jungkook get to his feet with Y/N still in his arms.

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