23- Two Days

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You weren't used to waking up happy and fully rested. You pulled the comforter up over your head and nuzzled into the warmth underneath. Jungkook's soft breathing next to you made you feel ecstatic. You peaked out from underneath the comforter to look at him. He was laying on his stomach, facing you. His long dark hair was hanging in his face and you brushed it back so you could see his whole face.

His dark lashes and smooth skin, his slightly parted lips letting out puffs of hot air as he slept. You crept closer and kissed the tip of his round nose. It twitched under your touch and you held back a giggle. You grew more bold and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

You squeaked in surprise as he grabbed you around the waist and tucked you underneath him, both of your legs between his and most of his torso on top of you, but his weight to the side so he wasn't adding pressure to you.

"Morning, Y/N," He mumbled as he lazily kissed your neck. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him, basking in the warmth of your mate.

The last two days had been the complete opposite of your first couple of days. Those first couple of days you had been uneasy, perched and ready to fly at any given moment. The last two days, ever since you had started feeling the mating pull for Jungkook, you had felt yourself sinking into stability.

You liked feeling the pull, for the most part. You felt connected to Jungkook in a way you have never felt connected before. Sometimes it felt like a physical pull, you found himself drifting towards him, craving to be physically near him. 

It was a new thing for you, but it allowed you to stay in one spot, it allowed you to interact properly with Jungkook's pack. The two of you hadn't mated yet, so you weren't technically a part of the pack yet. Namjoon was making Jungkook wait, but you could tell Jungkook's patience was wearing thin.

"Morning Jungkook," You replied happily. You let your fingers trail up and down his back, drawing designs into his shirt. "Jungkook?" He hummed in response, "Could we go running this morning?"

The pack had taken your request to heart and you were able to go outside more often. You were never alone, but it was a compromise you were willing to make. Most of your outside trips had been just right out in front of the pack house, but it was enough for now.

"Let me ask Namjoon," He said as he stretched, pulling you flush against him. The change made you blush. But then he didn't move and you were confused.

"Jungkook? Are you going to ask him?" He chuckled into your neck.

"I'm asking him through the link, Y/N," His husky voice was mixed with humor.

"Oh!" You snorted with laughter. Jungkook lifted himself up off you and smiled down at you. He rubbed at his eyes tiredly.

"How did you sleep by the way?" He asked.

The two of you were still in the downstairs bedroom. You hadn't moved to the nest yet and you didn't feel like you should until you were officially part of the pack, it was an omega thing and though Jungkook didn't understand, he respected your request.

You didn't want to get on any of their bad sides, but you especially wanted to earn favor with Jin. You felt a kinship with him and missed him. Maybe it was because he was an omega and you had never had a proper conversation with another omega in your life. There were things that you biologically, emotionally, and physically had in common that you didn't have with alphas and betas. So to maintain the integrity of that relationship, you were not going to enter Jin's nest until you were officially part of the pack.

"Really good, maybe it's having you next to me, but these past few nights have been the best sleep I can remember." He stroked your cheek as he blinked lazily.

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