54- Shower Nightmares

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Even though they had been reassured by their other mates through the link that everyone was ok and they could sense through the bond that everyone was ok, Taehyung and Jin were nearly frantic with worry. The need to see their mates was making them pace at the treeline like caged animals. They had been commanded not to enter the forest by Namjoon and they didn't have the nerve to disobey a command like that.

This was unlike anything Jin had ever experienced. One moment they were at the distribution center picking clothes out, the next moment they were all in pain. Moving as one, he could feel the whole pack converge on the source of their pain, Jimin. Jimin's bond went out, for one terrifying, heartbreaking minute, his bond was completely gone.

But by some miracle, by the time they reached the forest's edge, it was back. Jungkook was far ahead of them at that point, all three of the alphas were in the forest and Namjoon told Jin and Tae to stay out, to wait for their mates. He could tell Y/N was in there with them and Jin almost couldn't take the anxiety.

He was about to ignore Namjoon and go to them when they were finally within sight. Namjoon with Jimin on his back, Jungkook with Y/N on his, Yoongi and Hoseok walking hand in hand. Hanwool, Hwasa and Himchan were there too, would it be heartless if he said he didn't care? That all he cared about was his mates at the moment?

With a sob, Taehyung lurched forward, running to their mates. Jin ran too. By the time he reached the group, Jimin was off of Namjoon's back and being crushed by a sobbing Taehyung. There were somber looks on all the faces of his mates, except for Y/N. She was clinging to Jungkook and silently crying.

Do you want me to take her? Jin offered. Jungkook shook his head. Jin didn't push, instead he went to the next mate that looked in need of comfort, Hoseok

You ok Hobi? The beta's lip quivered at the question. He let go of Yoongi's hand and wrapped his arms around Jin's neck.

He was dead Jin, I felt it! He was dead and she brought him back. Jin rubbed his back and released his scent to comfort him.

Yoongi, Jungkook, take them all inside. I need to take care of some things and then I'll be right back. Namjoon was already moving away, following Himchan, Hanwool and Hwasa.

You won't be gone long? Jin asked. They all needed their pack alpha right now, Jin included.

I promise, I'll be right back.

Taehyung was having a hard time, he knew that, but he needed some time to himself so he could process what happened. So when Tae volunteered to come with him to shower, Jimin had refused.

As he stood under the water of the shower watching his own blood swirl around the drain, he felt as if he was in shock, he wasn't even sure if he could feel the water hitting his chest.

Jimin had been chatting with Himchan about strawberries when the giant wolf appeared. Jimin hadn't sensed him at all, hadn't smelled him, or heard him. He had been a ghost, materializing out of nothing, phantom flesh becoming corporeal.

Things became weird after that and his memories didn't make sense. The hellhound's claws seemed as big as scythes, striking Himchan down before hooking into Jimin. He remembered the pain, the way his body immediately went into shock, tingling and disorienting.

Then the wolf attacked again and again. Jimin didn't have a chance to fight back, he was crumpled on the ground as a manufactured darkness crawled over his skin and seeped into his wounds. It took him a few seconds to realize the wolf hovering over him was talking to him in his mind.

I love watching the light fade from your eyes. You took her away from me and I think that means that you deserve to die, slow and painfully, but your mates are already on their way, so we'll have to make this quick.

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