35- Start Over

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"What the hell is that Namjoon?" Jin was pointing viciously at the box in his hands. Namjoon froze, the pastry box shaking slightly but what could he do about? He didn't think there was anything that would save him now, he couldn't throw Y/N under the bus and say they were her's. She was staring wide eyed at Jin, her chest heaving and Namjoon was worried Jin's outburst had triggered her.

Jimin and Yoongi were hovering just behind Jin. They had probably been coming over to see Y/N but Jin's outburst stopped them in their tracks. Namjoon knew they were coming back from the rut house today, but nobody had told him that they were already back. If he had known that, he wouldn't have brought back the box.

If Namjoon was completely honest, he would never understand the feud that Jin had with this shop, but he would never tell Jin that! As Namjoon was thinking of something to say, Tae came up behind his angry mate.

"I got them for her, Jinnie," Tae wrapped his arms around their Luna's waist and nuzzled his neck, "You should have seen her puppy dog eyes. I thought I was going to die, they were that cute!"

Nobody could calm down Jin like Taehyung, at this moment it felt like a miracle to Namjoon. Jin huffed, arms crossed over his chest, his plump bottom lip sticking out in a grumpy pout that made Namjoon's knees buckle. He missed Jin, he wanted to hold him and kiss him, but he would have to give distance between this memory and any form of affection if he wanted Jin to be pliant and cooperative.

"What's the matter Y/N?" Jin asked, dropping his arms to the side, his face melting into a look of concern. Namjoon looked back at her and she hadn't moved. She was still staring at Jin with wide eyes, but her gaze was flicking to others in the room, well just to the other two who had been on their ruts.

Yoongi and Jimin could feel it too. Their spines were straight, posture alert and waiting for Y/N. What was going on?

"Y/N? Do you feel the pull for someone?" Jungkook asked calmly, coming into the kitchen as if he was afraid his voice would break the tension in the room. It was as if they could all hear the glass breaking under their feet, all of them staying as still as they could, every wolf's gaze was on Y/N waiting for her to break it.

"Yes," She gasped, her long inhale shaky enough to rattle in the silence.

"Who?" Yoongi asked through gritted teeth. The gray skies of her eyes clouded over and became glossy.

"All three of you."

She looked from Jin, to Yoongi, then to him. The confession, the revelation rattled in Jimin's chest and before he registered what he was doing, he was on Y/N. His hands wrapped around her back, his lips tangling with hers. His wolf was crying, practically screaming for her, had been for days! Her little whimpers escaped her lips as he pressed his tongue into her mouth, searching for relief in her wet opening.

But it wasn't enough. He grabbed the back of her thighs, lifting her into his arms. Her hands, which had been scalp deep in his hair, gripped his shoulders with a squeak of surprise. He laid her flat on the table and tugged down the front of her shirt so he could tongue the place where his mark would go, right between her perfect breasts.

"Jimin!" He felt hands pulling him away and he snarled wildly, how dare they separate him from his mate?

"I thought you said that his rut was over!" Hoseok's frantic voice was foggy and wasn't registering. He dove into Y/N's neck, searching for her scent gland, he needed more of her. A hand wrapped around the back of his neck and squeezed.

"Let go Jimin." His alpha's warning growl cut through his haze. Yoongi's mark burned as the alpha put pressure on it with his fingers. Jimin was staring at Y/N, her chest heaving, lips red from his furious kisses, the top of her bra visible as a result of him pulling her shirt down. Jimin gasped in horror and released her.

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