40- Congratulations by the way!

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"Did I do something wrong? Should I not mate with Jimin?" You asked Jin, but both Jin and Jungkook chuckled.

"You didn't do anything wrong Y/N, I just like messing with Jimin. Also, it's not fair the way he asked you to mate like that. He is very persuasive," Jin threw a glare over his shoulder back towards the pack house, even though Jimin was no longer visible, "While we're at the clinic today, I want you to decide on your own if you're ready to mate again, ok? You can say no or say yes, no one will be mad if you wait or if you don't."

You nodded, letting him know that you would take his request seriously. Jin and Jungkook talked pleasantly as the three of you walked to the inner village together. As you held Jin's hand, you felt an interesting energy coming from him, a healthy beautiful energy zipping and pooling in his stomach. 

You didn't know what that meant. It kind of felt like the changes your body went through during your heat, but different, accelerated. Maybe Jin's heat was near? It almost made you frown, you didn't want to be separated from him again while other's helped him through his heat.

The outer area of the village a lot better than the inner area. The houses here were closer together, sometimes sharing a wall. But everything was cleaned and maintained. You just preferred the grass, the space to run, and the distance from other wolves.

It's not like you were socially inept, you interacted with people just fine you thought, but everyone here was making you uncomfortable. They were staring at you, sometimes whispering in pairs, and you didn't like being the center of anyone's attention.

"The clinic that we're going to, Jungkook designed and built," Jin said proudly.

"Really?" You were surprised to say the least. You looked over to Jungkook.

"Yep, before I came here, Yoongi and I were rogue wolves. To make money, I would help build houses and then I started designing them."

"He has a talent!" Jin winked at his mate, "Take our pack house for example, it fits us perfectly."

"I think it's getting a little small," Jungkook said with a shrug and looked off. It was perhaps a little small, but it was cozy and over the past few days it had become a source of comfort for you.

"Here we are!" Jin announced. If Jin hadn't said anything, you wouldn't have given the building a second thought, but knowing Jungkook designed it, you were curious so you paid more attention. It had a homey feel, more like a cottage than a clinic. It was painted a warm tan color with white accents. There was a little peak in the roof at the entrance to accentuate it.

But the thing that you liked the most was all the windows. Large windows let you see the reception area inside and made the whole clinic seem more inviting. You felt yourself relax, which you supposed was the intent. You were impressed by how intuitive Jungkook was.

"I love the windows!" You commented, making Jungkook smile.

"You need sun to be healthy, that's what I think."

You looked up at Jin. He gave you a smile that crinkled up around his eyes, "Ready to go in, little one?" You nodded and together you walked into the clinic.

The reception area was lit brightly, bouncing off creamy walls and making the space look larger than it was. Two young women were behind the reception desk and they bowed politely to Jin.

"Welcome Luna," One of them said with a smile. They were both looking at Jin with admiration, not really glancing at you or Jungkook.

"Nice to see you both! This is Y/N. She's going to be doing my rounds with me today," Jin's smile to you was fond and you felt like you were beaming in return, "Oh and can Jungkook use one of the consultation rooms?"

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