12- Point of Breaking

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They both looked at Y/N. She was slowly crawling along the couch closest to the wall, probably to avoid walking in the open because if she climbed over the back of the couch it was just a short dash to the downstairs bedroom. She paused fearfully when she saw them watching her.

Go after Jungkook, find out what happened. Jin plastered on a grin for Y/N and began approaching her. Tae followed Jungkook out.

Jungkook had a tendency to shift and take off when he was upset so he was surprised when Jungkook was only about 20 feet away kicking at a patch of dead grass. Taehyung approached him, hands in his pockets. What could have happened? They were only talking for a few minutes.

"Kook? You ok? What happened?" He could see the muscles in Jungkook's jaw twitch as he clenched his teeth.

"Nothing happened, don't worry about it!" His younger mate said angrily. He ran his hands through his long dark locks in agitation

"Obviously something happened," Taehyung coaxed as gently as he could, making his alpha sigh. Jungkook's shoulders slumped.

"Nothing happened, she doesn't want anything to do with me because her fucking alphas made her afraid of alphas. She wants nothing to do with me!" The spike of anger in his scent made Taehyung take a step backwards

"It's probably just the seenap root, it'll fade," Taehyung tried to coax his mate into a better mood, but Jungkook always stubbornly clung to his bad moods like he had something to prove.

"Yeah, whatever Taehyung, you go get rejected by your mate and come skipping back to me. Then we'll talk!" Jungkook shifted then, his dark wolf taking off to burn his excess energy. Taehyung didn't follow. He felt another one of his mates coming close.

Jimin waved to Taehyung as he went inside the pack house. Taehyung had a feeling that something similar to what happened with Jungkook was about to happen to Jimin. He could wait to face her, he wasn't ready for rejection. He wished Hobi was here, he just wanted someone to hold him.

Jin was trying to coax Y/N to the table to eat. She was trying to retreat to the room, but Jin was trying to convince her that she would be safe if she stayed out here. He wasn't sure what had happened between her and Jungkook yet. He knew Jungkook, he was the sweetest little wolf and would never intentionally hurt anyone, it had to be some misunderstanding.

"Just sit and take one bite, if you don't want more, you can go to the bedroom ok?" She reluctantly perched on the edge of a chair, ready to take flight at the next sign of trouble.

"Hello lovelies!" Jimin burst through the door with a bright smile. Y/N jumped but stayed in her chair, watching Jimin as he came around the table and crouched in front of her. "How was your morning, sweetheart?"

To Jin's surprise, her body relaxed, committing to the chair she was sitting in. Jimin was brushing his hair off his forehead reflexively as he told her about his morning. The red locks kept falling back into the same place. She was taking in every word with slightly furrowed brows, as if he was her doctor and Jimin was telling her what she would need to do in order to heal, but he wasn't speaking a language she understood.

She jumped away from Jimin when Taehyung came in looking dejected. His shoulders were slumped forward and he was tugging on the front of his shirt reflexively to pull it tight against his torso.

What happened? Jin sent to him. Taehyung sat down at the table and shrugged heavily.

Sounds like she's afraid of him because he's an alpha. That's all that he would tell me. Tae glanced pitifully at Y/N. Instead of getting his mate to cave into him and give him attention, she squirmed in her chair.

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