36- Birds

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"I think you and Y/N should be separated, you obviously keep getting distracted!" Jin complained, "You should share her anyways, come here Y/N! It's my turn!" He held out his arms to you. Your heart skipped a beat at his sweet smile and you felt how much you had missed him over the last few days.

You moved to go to him, but Jimin's grip held you back. You looked up at him with a pout and he sighed dejectedly before letting you go. You crossed the room to Jin and he scooped you up enthusiastically, snuggling into you. He pressed his nose to your hairline and inhaled your scent.

"So where were we?" Yoongi asked, tapping his jaw, "Ah yes, our baby alpha came from our little omega claiming Hoseok."

"You think it's so funny," Jungkook growled, "But it was kind of scary! I had no idea what was happening and before that Y/N's mark felt like it was burning, I seriously thought something was wrong and raced here. It was right after they had mated so it had to be connected."

Three or four wolves were about to respond to Jungkook's rant, but Namjoon cut them off, "It's safe to say that it might happen with each subsequent mating. So you owe it to your mates already bound to her to let them know you are beginning the mating ritual."

"Can you just imagine?" Tae said with a smirk, "You're just talking with some random person and you come hard right in front of them?" Jin had been exploring the column of your throat with his nose and snorted at Taehyung's comment. His hot breath played on your skin and you gasped.

"Namjoon!" Jimin protested, pointing a finger at Jin as Jin's hands feathered down your sides. Jin chuckled in between kisses to your jaw.

"We are never going to fucking get anywhere!" Yoongi whined.

"I can't trust any of you to keep your hands to yourselves!" Namjoon growled in frustration, "Jin, go sit with Yoongi and Tae."

"What?" Jin squawked in surprise.

"You heard me, go over there!" Jin shifted you to the side huffing and mumbling about his stupid alpha before marching over to sit by Taehyung who had to hurry and shift into an upright position before Jin could sit on his legs.

"Alright, we have some serious topics to cover, are you guys ready to pay attention?" Namjoon asked in exasperation, he was met by glares from half of the room. You fidgeted by his side. Now that someone wasn't holding you, you felt weirdly exposed and shuffled closer to Namjoon to fill the need. He blinked down at you in surprise but said nothing.

"So, next person to mate Y/N does it when it won't be awkward for the others," Yoongi recapped, "Next topic Joon."

"Why don't you go next, Taehyung?" Namjoon nodded at Taehyung. You weren't expecting that, had something happened after you left?

"Hwasa came to see me while I was helping Y/N with new clothes," He began. Hwasa, she had made you feel uncomfortable, mostly because she had tried to use her alpha influence on you and that made you feel unsafe.

"She basically said that the Alpha Mother is going bat shit crazy and if she knew that Y/N was alone with me, she wouldn't hesitate to come to the shop." All levity sunk like a weight. You felt queasy. Just after Hwasa had left, Taehyung had been subtle but insistent about leaving. He had hidden it so well from you at the time and if you weren't suddenly on edge, you would have been touched by his consideration, sparing you anxiety in the moment.

"She wouldn't fucking dare!" Yoongi's snarl startled you further into Namjoon's side.

"I think she would," Jin's voice was calm but his tone made you shiver, you weren't used to seeing Jin like this and it clashed with your vision of him. You wanted to go to both of them and make them stop, ease their anger, but you pressed against Namjoon instead. He wrapped an arm around you and you felt your anxiety ease just a little as his alpha influence calmed you.

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