25 - Teasing Rain

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Yoongi traced random patterns onto Jin's exposed chest. The action was helping him think. The three of them were in bed together. Jimin was passed out on the other side of Jin. His soft cheek squished against a pillow as he slept on his stomach, his shoulder blades sharply defined because of the position of his arms tucked up under the pillow.

Y/N was possessing his thoughts when he was not actively engaged with his rut partners. He thought about the first time he saw her, covered in blood, leaves and twigs tangled in her hair, dirt sticking to the sweat on her skin. He knew without a doubt she was his mate.

When he first found out that she had been given seenap root, his immediate feeling was despair. She would never feel for him what he already felt for her and he didn't have the charisma that some of his other mates possessed to win her over. He often wondered if the only reason his bond with his mates was so strong was because of the mating pull. If they had never felt it for each other would any of them actually choose him to be their mate?

Jin's fingers weaved through his hair and Yoongi huffed in appreciation, letting his eyes fall closed.

Something on your mind? When he opened his eyes Jin was watching him with a slight smile. His blinks were lazy and slow, he was probably tired too. Yoongi took the hand in his hair and lightly kissed the center of his palm. Then lifted up on his elbow so he could look down at his mate. Yoongi loved how his lower lip was thin in the corners and plumped out in the middle. He loved Jin's pronounced adam's apple and his broad shoulders.

You're so beautiful, Yoongi smirked and Jin chuckled.

"I already know that!" Jin said enthusiastically out loud, making Jimin stir next to him.

Hush, omega! Yoongi trapped Jin's lips in a deep kiss, stroking his tongue against Jin's. Jin cupped his face before sliding up to his hairline and pulling slightly at the locks.

Namjoon's going to be pissed when he finds out I started my heat. Yoongi grabbed at his naked hip possessively and added more passion to the kiss.

Screw Namjoon! He needs to learn how to share! Your heats are my fucking favorite thing! Yoongi bit Jin's bottom lip before sucking lightly on it. He began trailing kisses down Jin's neck.

You remember he wanted to start trying? Yoongi reeled back, looking down at Jin who was trying not to laugh.

"Fuck! You're not on birth control anymore!"

"No, I am not," Jin replied in an amused tone.

"Namjoon is going to kill me!" Yoongi sat up and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Why's Namjoon going to kill you?" Jimin asked groggily, nuzzling into his pillow.

"Us! He's going to kill us both if we've knocked up Jin before him!" Yoongi said in defeat. If Jin wasn't pregnant, it would be a miracle! He spent his heat with two of his mates in rut, of course he would be pregnant.

Jimin giggled and flipped onto his back, "Oh he's just going to kill you, he won't get mad at me." The sad thing was it was probably true.

Jimin smirked at them both, "You may have forgotten Jin was off birth control, but I didn't." They stared at him in disbelief. He propped himself up on his elbow and glared down at Jin, "If you're not pregnant with my pup, I'm going to be pissed!"

"I don't control that!" Jin spluttered, "My omega does!"

"Well, I have nothing to worry about then, I have treated your omega very well!" Jimin emphasized 'very' with a suggestive look that made Jin's ears burn red.

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