48 - Dark Tension

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Jungkook stuttered to a stop and placed his hands on his knees as he tried to regulate his breathing. His heart was racing pleasantly and his body was covered in sweat. He loved running, in his human form or his wolf form. He loved the high he got from it.

He took a moment to look across the clearing the village was nestled in as he stretched. He was on the opposite end of the clearing from the main entrance. He looked in the direction of the pack house. He felt a sense of pride seeing it from this distance. Obviously, if he were given a chance to make it over again, it would be better, but he was proud of the design and the way it came together. It stood out with its tall peaked roof and large deck. Jungkook loved it.

Jin was probably going to call him in for breakfast any minute, so he should head back. 

This part of the clearing got very little traffic, even the community garden didn't come this far, it stopped about thirty feet in front of him. No one came this way, so he jumped nearly a foot in the air when someone called his name from the forest he had his back to.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!" With his heart still pounding wildly, Jungkook watched Himchan saunter out of the forest. It felt odd, seeing Himchan materializing from the trees, what had he been doing in there? Himchan's hands were in his pockets and his soft smile was slightly sad. Himchan always looked sad these days though, ever since Sooah's diagnosis.

"What are you doing here, Himchan?" Jungkook wiped the sweat collecting on his eyebrows before it had a chance to roll into his eyes.

"Just out looking for strawberries. Want to join me?" Himchan had no basket, it made Jungkook pause. He was about to reply when Namjoon's angry voice filled his head.

You get back home right now you dumbass! Shit! Jungkook was going to be in trouble.

"Sorry Himchan! Namjoon's calling. Another time yeah?" He waved to the man who suddenly looked a lot sadder, then he shifted. He would get home faster that way.

"Is Jungkook ok?" You gripped Yoongi's shirt just above his elbow. Both him and Namjoon were stiff as boards, looking for Jungkook. The way they were acting made you nervous for your mate. Yoongi looked towards you, but before he could speak, you saw Jungkook's dark heathered wolf bounding towards the pack house. Your relief made you giddy and you jumped off the porch to run to him. He shifted when you reached him and you threw your arms around him.

You didn't know why you were feeling anxious, maybe it was Hoseok's and Jimin's emotions through the bond, maybe it was seeing the other two alphas so angry, whatever the reason, you felt like Jungkook had been in jeopardy and that scared you.

Why are they so angry with you? What happened? You looked up at Jungkook for an answer. He kissed your nose and took your hand, but he didn't answer as he led you back to the porch.

"Are you fucking serious Jungkook?" Namjoon started right away, "After what happened last night? I told you not to go off on your own!"

"Stop it, you're scaring her!" Jungkook shot back. Namjoon's eyes widened incredulously.

"I'm scaring–" Namjoon cut himself off in a huff of frustration, "Get inside, we all need to talk!" Namjoon, still huffing under his breath, went in first followed by Yoongi and then you and Jungkook.

Jin was at the stove with Jimin wrapped tightly around his waist, Hoseok and Taehyung were already sitting at the table, sipping at their coffee.

"We need to talk, everyone sit down," Namjoon sat at the head of the table, the same look of fierce fury on his face, but Jungkook didn't sit down.

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