42- Magical

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Jimin's chuckle made your skin tingle and when he started taking off the rest of your clothes, you eagerly helped him. Soon you were bare, while your three mates were still completely clothed. If your omega hadn't been asserting herself so insistently, you would have been embarrassed, but your omega's sole desire was to mate with Jimin.

Jimin opened your legs with gentle pressure, like forcing a flower to bloom and unravel its petals, you didn't fight him at all. His fingertips trailed up your thighs, delicate and soft until he reached your soaking center. His fingers pulled you open and gently pressed circles into your slick soaked clit.

You moaned and involuntarily jerked into his hand. You felt a tangible sense of relief at being touched, as if his fingers had actually switched a valve to release the unrequited pressure building up in you. He pressed harder against your clit and you cried out.

As good as it felt, you still felt empty and he was still dressed. It felt unbalanced and unfair.

"Jimin, more!" You pleaded. Again that chuckle, taunting you. He pulled his fingers away from you and licked them clean, tongue swirling messily around wet digits.

Hoseok grabbed Jimin's jaw and pulled him in for a kiss, licking into his mouth and searching for the taste of you on Jimin's tongue.

"Mmm, Y/N, you taste delicious!" Hoseok murmured, licking a string of saliva off Jimin's lips.

"My turn Min, get some more for me," Jungkook chimed in, smirking down at you. Jimin's fingers returned to you, but this time they slipped inside you and you gasped. His digits curled up and pressed hard along your walls. You squirmed and cried out in pleasure.

He repeated the action a few more times before he pulled his fingers out and began sucking them clean again. You clenched and quivered at the empty feeling. Jungkook cupped Jimin's cheek and just like Hoseok, he searched for you in Jimin's open mouth.

"I agree Hobi, she tastes fantastic!" Jungkook laughed. He reached down and pinched one of your nipples, making you jolt with pleasure. Jimin's twinkling laugh filled your ears as he scooted back on the bed and laid on his belly. His face was just inches from where his fingers had been a second before.

"I think I want a little more!" You swallowed hard as he winked mischievously at you. The first flick of his tongue against your sensitive nub was shocking. No one had ever touched you like this. This new pleasure was all encompassing and your mind went numb. As he kept up the action, you felt as though you were being lifted out of your body before plummeting back into your lust when he slipped two fingers inside of you.

You bucked up into his face with a long cry. It felt so damn good! His fingers curled in you as he sucked your bud between his lips and applied more pressure. You pulled frantically at the blanket underneath you as you writhed under his attention.

You could feel your orgasm building fast and you grabbed your own breasts to intensify the sensations. When your orgasm finally broke, it was sharp and intense. You scrambled to deal with the intense pleasure releasing your body. It felt like an age before your body finally released and you fell heavily against the bed in a daze.

"That was fucking hot Y/N!" You blinked at Jungkook as aftershocks of your pleasure pulsed against your nerves. You looked between your legs to Jimin who was lifting himself to his knees. He held his fingers out to Jungkook who greedily sucked at them while he turned his face to Hoseok. Smirking, Hoseok kissed him, groaning at your taste.

There was something empowering watching the beta as he controlled the actions of his two mates, both of whom held a higher rank in the pack. He pulled away from them and began pulling his shirt up and off. Then he made quick work of his jeans and underwear.

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