39- Literally Dying

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Yoongi managed to get him home after their talk with the Alpha Mother. Everyone was already in bed together and Jin didn't feel ready to join them, so Yoongi led him to the bathroom and they showered together.

Yoongi wasn't always much of a talker, that wasn't the way that he comforted others, but Yoongi was tender and observant. He thoroughly cleaned Jin's body and held him every time he broke down in tears.

"Do you want tea or anything before bed?" Yoongi asked. He was on his knees in front of Jin drying off his legs with a towel as Jin stood in front of him.

"Do you think I'm pregnant?" Jin's voice sounded raspy and he swallowed hard against the scratch there. Yoongi looked up at him. His face was unreadable as he let out a long exhale, then he stood up to be level with Jin.

"I don't think she would have said anything if she didn't think you were. She's a healer, she's worked with pregnant omegas for years," Yoongi swallowed hard, "I think there's a very good chance that she's right. Maybe talk to one of the nurses at the clinic tomorrow?"

Yoongi stroked his sides gently. Yoongi's touch of his skin was comforting and Jin wanted more. He wrapped his arms around his mate and Yoongi pulled him in closer, kissing his mark on the side of Jin's neck. The warmth of his mate's skin on his was soothing, easing his pain and confusion and fear.

"You know I will protect you and our mates and our children with my life, right? As long as I'm alive, nothing will stop me from keeping you all safe." Jin felt his eyes flicker closed tiredly and he hugged Yoongi closer. They stayed like that for several minutes. Yoongi's hands, feathering across his sides and back until Jin reluctantly let him go.

"Why don't you go up and snuggle with Jungkook and I'll be up in a bit?" Yoongi led Jin in the other bedroom and pulled clothes out of the drawer for him while he sat on the bed. Jin noticed with a smile that everything Yoongi gave him were Yoongi's. His subtle way of saying he wanted Jin to smell like him.

"Let's wait to tell anyone about the pregnancy until we know for sure," Jin commented and Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"It's only been a few days since my heat ended, not even that! How could she possibly tell?" Yoongi shrugged. A slow smile crept on his face and he leaned down to cup Jin's face, kissing him. He couldn't help but feel happy thinking that Jin could be pregnant with his pup.

Time to sleep Luna, Yoongi sent through the link as he began kissing everywhere on Jin's face, I'll be up in a little bit. He kissed Jin's nose one final time and released him.

You're not coming to bed? Jin pouted.

I need a drink, Yoongi chuckled and gave Jin one of his signature gummy smiles. But I won't be long. I'll come to you in just a bit.

Jin didn't need much more persuasion, he got to his feet with the help of his alpha and went up the stairs by himself. Jin sighed as he looked over all his mates together in the nest. On the left, Namjoon was in between Hoseok and Taehyung, each of them cuddling up into him. In the middle was Y/N with Jimin and Jungkook on either side.

Her lips were slightly parted, her chest rising and falling with long shallow breaths. Her gray hair was fanned out around her head. She looked healthy. In just the few days that he had been away, she no longer looked gaunt, there was a rosy tint to her cheeks and no bags under her eyes. The fact that she was snuggling with two of his mates was phenomenal. Maybe it was her healing abilities, but he never expected her to flush out the seenap root so quickly.

Jin did his best not to disturb his mate as he crawled in behind Jungkook and pressed close to him. Jungkook stirred, maybe he had been waiting for his mates to come home.

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