44- Paper Thin

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"Ah fuck!" He gasped, clutching at his chest. The pain was sharp and dizzying. He did his best to breathe through it, but even a small intake of breath was agony.

"Yoongi!" Y/N cried out, turning around in alarm. In his painful haze, Yoongi noticed that Namjoon, who had been on his feet moments before, was now flat on his back. Hoseok had either not fallen or was already back on his feet and helping Namjoon up. Yoongi looked at Y/N in awe.

Her hands were on his chest, glowing white, "You," She blinked back tears, "Um, you have a few cracked ribs." Yoongi's eyes widened in shock. That shockwave had cracked his ribs? "I can fix it though!" She reassured.

Yoongi's chest tingled slightly and it felt like a euphoric light filled his chest, then it was just gone leaving Yoongi a little dazed, but no longer in pain.

"Wow, Y/N," Yoongi breathed out. It wasn't just the shockwave, that had been amazing enough, but the way he felt after being healed by her was unique. He felt good, almost giddy.

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry!" Her hands covered her trembling mouth. He reached to touch her cheek and she flinched. He clenched his jaw.

"I will never hurt you pup. You are safe with me," He soothed. His fingers tentatively touched her cheek and after a moment, she leaned into his touch. He pulled her into his chest, tucking her head into his neck so his scent could calm her.

You ok Yoongi? Taehyung was nibbling his lip nervously. All of his mates were watching him with looks of concern in varying degrees. Yoongi nodded.

"Well I think that was fucking cool!" Jungkook broke the silence. Y/N looked up at him. The look on her face broke his heart. It was a mixture of surprise, grief, but also a fierce longing. As if she was seeking forgiveness and approval from the young alpha.

"It's weird because she didn't hurt me when we mated," Jimin commented, "And I had been just as close." Hoseok and Jungkook nodded too.

"Earlier she just broke a vase and some other things, but I didn't feel it," Jungkook added.

"Even just now, Namjoon was knocked off his feet but I wasn't. Does it not affect those she is mated to?" Hoseok looked around the room at his various mates, searching for an answer.

"Who felt it just now?" Namjoon asked, raising his own hand. Yoongi, Jin and Taehyung all raised their hands too. It seemed like Hoseok's theory could be correct.

"Maybe I was just further away, but it didn't hurt, it just felt like someone was shoving me into the couch," Taehyung said.

"Same," Jin confirmed.

"So it loses its potency the further away the object is," Namjoon mused.

"Good thing there isn't really anything breakable in here!" Hoseok joked, "Three feet that way and we would have had to buy a new tv!" He gestured to the tv with his thumb.

Namjoon didn't react to the joke, instead he crossed over to where Yoongi was sitting with her and crouched in front of her, "Y/N, I think it would be good to train more with this. Until then, promise me that if you ever see the hellhounds, you will use this on them." She nodded her head firmly.

There was a palpable relief streaming through the bond. Y/N having a way to protect herself was a load off of them. Under the relief seemed to be a layer of lethargy amongst his mates. It must have been from the constant roller coaster their lives have been on since they found Y/N. They were all missing their routines and the certainties that they had taken for granted.

"We'll work on that tomorrow." Namjoon took her hand and kissed it.

Namjoon, Yoongi, you need to come to the guardhouse now. Hanwool never bothered them through the link when they were at home, unless it was an emergency. Yoongi's eyes found Namjoon's so fast it was as if they were high power magnets.

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