47- Primitive Instincts

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You woke up early the next morning. You were still under Jungkook and moving him would require a great deal of effort, so you stayed where you were. You loved the feel of Jungkook on top of you, his bare skin right at your fingertips.

You lightly caressed his back. The bond was lightly fluttering between the two of you and it felt like a living thing. You tentatively reached out to feel your bonds with Hoseok and Jimin but caught your breath when you felt the pull for your other mates.

The pull and the bond felt different. The bond was soothing, stable, but the pull was raw and erratic. One moment you couldn't feel it at all and the next it was lashing out at your skin. Because the pull felt unstable, you started to feel unstable. You thought about what happened between you and Yoongi last night. It hadn't felt like you, it felt impulsive, overwhelming and you didn't like that. If it was the pull or your omega taking charge, you didn't like the loss of control.

The more you laid there, the more it bothered you. You felt hot, Jungkook's comforting weight was now making you feel claustrophobic. You tried to push him off and when he resisted, you looked around in panic.

Yoongi was a couple of feet away on his own. You wondered if he preferred space while he slept.

"Yoongi!" You hissed. His eyes instantly opened, finding yours, "Help!" You pleaded in a whisper, pushing against Jungkook again. Yoongi chuckled but came to your rescue, pushing Jungkook up enough for you to escape.

You needed some air, so you got up from the nest and hurried down the stairs. It didn't occur to you until your hand was on the doorknob that you weren't allowed to go outside by yourself. In defeat, you placed your head against the door and willed the tears not to come.

Maybe you woke up too early and it was making your brain foggy, maybe you were making a big deal out of nothing, but you felt confused. You felt confused about everything if you were left alone to think too much. How could they want to mate someone like you? Why did the pull make you do stupid, irrational things like what happened with Yoongi last night? Why did you simultaneously want to run away and remain here for the rest of your life?

These thoughts and more were swirling around in your head. Not to mention the frustration that you still felt being caged in, you couldn't even sit on the porch by yourself. Fear of your hellhounds getting hold of you, anxiety and irritation about this village in general. If you didn't feel so drawn to your mates...

"Y/N?" You jumped and whipped around. Yoongi stood there in his t-shirt and shorts. He had come downstairs and into the kitchen without you noticing. Had you been that distracted or was he just that good? Like a predator stalking his prey, it put you on edge. But then the next minute all you wanted was for him to hold you, like he had last night.

He had a neutral expression, but his gaze was intense and made your skin tingle. His dark hair was not as long as Jungkook's, but it was still longer than most of the other members in the pack. There was a slight curl to his inky black hair, and it reminded you that you haven't officially met his wolf yet. You were honestly kind of nervous to.

You turned back to the door, feeling your confusion about Yoongi growing. You placed your forehead against the door again.

"I want to go outside," You said quietly. You felt Yoongi move up behind you, so close you could feel his body heat. He turned the doorknob, and you stepped back, bumping into him.

"Then let's go outside, little one." He guided you through the open door with a hand on your lower back.

You stepped out onto the wooden porch bare foot, it was smooth under your toes and you kind of liked the feel of the small gaps in between the boards. The air had a tepid undercurrent, typical of an early summer morning. You didn't realize how early you had woken up, the sky was a hazy gray, just barely acknowledging the slowly rising sun. When you stepped on the grass, the cold dew collected on the green blades made you step back.

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