65- Unraveling

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"Y/N!" Jihun snarled, "Where the fuck are you?" You were realizing that heading back here had been a mistake. The door wouldn't budge and now he was going to corner you. You took a deep breath to steady yourself. You heard movement and squinted in that direction. Several rows over and up there were two men together.

"Don't kill her!" It was so close to a plea and it surprised you that Uri was advocating for your life. There was a sharp sound of skin on skin.

"Are you siding with her over your mate and alpha?" You could hear the fury and power in Jihun's voice and it made you tremble.

"No," Uri said quietly.

"Then go with Seongho and take care of the other wolves." The other wolves? There were other wolves? Was it your pack?

The explosion you created had burst the light bulbs in the whole warehouse and the only pale light came in from the small windows near the ceiling twenty feet up. It made it difficult to see, but you could hear someone running in your direction, so you ran the opposite direction, going up and over a row. You tried your best to hide behind one of the shelves and take a moment to think. Even if you evaded Jihun, Seongho and Uri would be blocking a clean escape out the other door.

"That fucking beta took her mate!" Seongho screamed in frustration and his words echoed through the warehouse. Himchan? Himchan took Taehyung?

Your head exploded with pain and you tripped forward, falling to your hands and knees. Jihun had taken your moment of distraction to catch up with you. Your vision was blurry and spotty. You were viewing everything through a blanket of pain, everything felt distant and removed. There was a muffled rattling echo as a pipe was dropped to the ground next to your head.

"You little bitch!" Jihun growled. He kicked at your shoulder and you sprawled on your back.

Before you could get up again, he pinned down your elbows with his knees and then put his full weight on your chest as he sat down. You cried out at the pain as things came into sharper focus. Then panic began to set in. You had been in this position before, so many times, but you had a feeling this would be the last time.

You choked as his hands wrapped around your neck and started squeezing. His eyes were murderous and determined. You kicked your legs and bucked up against his weight, knowing full well that it would do nothing. He was too strong and you were nothing but a weak omega.

"You've always been so terrified of Uri, but you should have been scared of me!" His fingers dug into you, crushing your windpipe. You knew he meant to kill you this time. You gasped for air that you knew wasn't coming. Tears escaped as you closed them. It felt like your omega was submitting, as if she had always known that your life would end like this. Your throat had always been a magnet for them, it felt like fate to have his hands be the last thing you felt before you died.

Y/N! Your name was being screamed through the link. You weren't sure by who, maybe all of them. You could finally feel your bonds to them again. It was too late though, they weren't going to get to you in time.

You wanted to sob and cry for the life you almost had. But at least you didn't feel alone, your bonds to your mates vibrated and comforted you. They had told you over and over again that you were meant to be a part of their pack, there was no way that they could have known your place had an expiration date.

Patches of white sparked in your eyes and you knew it was the end. Your panic surged again and your feet jerked feebly. You didn't want to die, you wanted your dream to come true. You wanted to meet the babies that Jin was carrying, you wanted to help Jungkook build your new home and help Hoseok start your own garden. There were so many things you wanted to do, this couldn't be the end!

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