58- Keep her distracted

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She would not let go of him, not for Jungkook when he came back, not for Jin. All six of them were back now and she would not go to a single one of them. She clung to him and buried her face in his neck, occasionally sucking at his scent gland to get more of his scent to release.

It's so cute Joonie, I don't see why you're complaining about it, Taehyung cooed through the link.

It's not that I don't think it's cute, it is, but I need to go take care of the Alpha Mother and Himchan. Namjoon was currently sitting restless on the couch with Y/N cradled in his arms.

It had already been 20 minutes since he chased the Alpha Mother away. Maybe 15 minutes since Yoongi came back with Jungkook and Jimin to let him know the connection they made with Himchan. Himchan of all people. He was still processing that. Himchan seemed like such a steady rock, how could he be the one conspiring to kill their pack?

What exactly are you going to do? Hoseok asked, I don't think it's a good idea to go into the village and publicly go after her.

I agree, it won't look good if you did that Joon. Jin was sitting next to him. Jin rubbed his arms self consciously and looked away from him.

Hanwool's looking for Himchan, but they aren't having any luck. No one has seen him since yesterday afternoon. It looks like he ran, leaving his mate behind no less. What the fuck is he doing? Yoongi sent angrily.

I can't just do nothing! He gathered up Y/N and plopped her in Jin's lap.

"I'll be right back Y/N," He started towards the door. He couldn't just do nothing. His pride as an alpha was damaged, his home had been violated, his mate injured and put in harm's way. He couldn't just do– Y/N's loud whine stopped him in his tracks.

"Please don't go away!" She tugged on his sleeve. She was almost in tears, "The pull, it hurts so much this time, please stay with me, it helps with the pain." She clutched her chest and the tears did fall this time, thin wet streaks that reigned his alpha in. He couldn't stand to see his mate in pain. He scooped her up and took her back to the couch, sitting by Jin again.

It's probably because you're the pack alpha. Jin gently brushed her hair away from her face.

So we're really not doing anything? Yoongi asked, a tinge of irritation in his voice. He had a bouncy nervous energy about him, Jungkook was right behind him, also agitated. Their alphas were as conflicted as he was, but they were in a tough spot. The village already hated them, the Alpha Mother had already threatened them on more than one occasion. Their position was precarious and a public confrontation wouldn't gain them any support.

There was a knock at the door that distracted them all. Y/N flinched in his arms. Jimin slid onto the couch next to them and rubbed her arm in an attempt to comfort her. Yoongi and Jungkook went to the door. Hoseok and Taehyung watched from the neighboring couch.

"Hanwool, Hwasa," Yoongi greeted, while also letting the rest of them know who was here. The wolves around the room relaxed. Jungkook came back into the living room, sitting on the other side of Taehyung.

I need to take care of this, can you distract her? A sly smile slid onto Jimin's face.

Sure Joon, I can keep her distracted.

Namjoon didn't like the tone in Jimin's voice, but he let it slide. If he could take care of Y/N right now he would, but their two visitors were waiting for him in the kitchen with Yoongi. Yoongi took a step back as a sign of respect, letting Namjoon lead the conversation.

"Sorry, she just tagged along," Hanwool said dully, glaring sideways at Hwasa. Hwasa looked like she wanted to stick her tongue out at him, but remembered that she was an adult at the last second.

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