45- Nightmare

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Namjoon felt like everything was spiraling out of control. He had tried to be meticulous, making the Guard rounds more regular to dissuade the hellhounds. But nothing was working in his favor. Not long after Yoongi left, Hwasa was knocking at his door with more bad news.

"The Alpha Mother found out about the birds," Hwasa said, not meeting his eyes. Namjoon felt so many emotions at once. Anger, betrayal, fear, all clashing together and fighting for dominance. The fallout made him tired and he sat on the edge of his desk in defeat. Fuck Yoongi for leaving him! How was he supposed to do all this alone?

"It wasn't me, I promise Namjoon, but it was someone from the Guard." There was sincerity in her voice and he didn't question her. He didn't ask if she knew who it was who told the Alpha Mother, what did it matter at this point? It hurt though, to think that someone on the Guard seemed more loyal to the Alpha Mother than to him. His pack and the Guard was all that he had.

"She's on her way here," Hwasa was jumpy as she looked over shoulder, "I can't be here when she comes. I'm already on this ice with as it is." Namjoon nodded. He understood that Hwasa's standing in the Alpha Mother's eyes would be compromised if she was friendly with Namjoon. Understanding that didn't make it any easier to take.

"Can I go talk with Jin?" Namjoon appreciated that she was asking, but his alpha was already sensitive and didn't like that another alpha wanted to see his pregnant mate. He knew that Hwasa was not a threat, but his alpha didn't give a shit.

"I don't think it's a good idea, Hwasa. Yoongi will probably rip your head off if you go over. We're a bit sensitive right now."

She nodded and pushed off the door frame. Not for the first time Namjoon wondered if she loved Jin, if she had grown up thinking Jin was going to be her's and was disappointed when he was mated to someone else. There was a commotion near the main entrance.

"Let me know if you need anything, Namjoon." With that she was gone, heading for one of the side doors. Namjoon took a couple steadying breaths and waited for the onslaught he could already feel coming.

He didn't have to wait long, the Alpha Mother burst into the room like a rabid wolf. She was standing tall and fierce, the stoop in her shoulders was gone as if agitation and confrontation was the key to reversing age. At her full height, she rivaled Namjoon's own height. Her blue eyes were like a flash fire, blazing and spilling angrily onto the rest of her face, shriveling her lips as she bore her gnashing teeth.

Namjoon felt so alone. He was about to face the Alpha Mother, a powerful and undaunting Village Alpha who had more backing than he did and at the moment he felt like he didn't have any backing at all.

Hanwool was close behind her. Hanwool looked mostly composed, but Namjoon knew him well and could see the subtle hints of rage pushing through.

I've got this Hanwool, Namjoon sent to his loyal friend. Hanwool only hesitated for a moment, grinding his jaw before he walked stiffly away.

"How can I help you, Alpha Mother?" Namjoon asked tiredly.

"How can you help me?" She mocked, there was a lilting tone to her voice, as if she thought Namjoon's question had been humorous, "I heard that wolves have breached our border and you're sitting here in your office playing the customer service role! What the fuck are you doing to this village?"

He contemplated staying silent, he knew no matter what he said, she wasn't going to listen. But Namjoon took a deep breath.

"I apologize for any concern, but I assure you we are actively working on the breach –"

"I don't want your assurances Namjoon! It's my understanding that these 'breaches' are occurring because of your new omega. You are the problem, you and your mates are the problem. If these 'breaches' continue to occur, we will ask you to leave."

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